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[英]How to add custom fields in WordPress “Add a New Post” page?

I want to add a custom field on Add A New Post page. 我想在“添加新帖子”页面上添加自定义字段。

Like - if I am to make a plugin which will post links to Twitter after a new post is made, I would like to give ability to user to select if he wants to tweet that particular post's link to Twitter. 像-如果我要制作一个在发布新帖子后将链接发布到Twitter的插件,我希望用户可以选择是否要将该特定帖子的链接发布到Twitter。 I want to display a check box somewhere in the page which says - "Post this on Twitter" and then check for it and make a tweet. 我想在页面的某处显示一个复选框,该复选框为“在Twitter上发布此内容”,然后进行检查并发布一条推文。

I have seen some plugins which do this. 我已经看到一些插件可以做到这一点。 But can't remember which they were. 但是不记得他们是谁。

Can someone please help me out? 有人可以帮我吗?


You can use this very helpful plugin to add custom fields. 您可以使用这个非常有用的插件来添加自定义字段。

http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/more-fields/ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/more-fields/

Maybe this plugin can help you? 也许这个插件可以帮助您? http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tweet-this/ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tweet-this/

I have finally figured how to achieve this 我终于想通了

You can use these hooks - 您可以使用这些挂钩-

submitpost_box } To display fields/form 显示字段/表单
submitpage_box } Submitpage_box}

edit_post } To process the form edit_post}处理表单
edit_page } edit_page}

Hope that helps! 希望有帮助!

Source - Kontera ContentLink WordPress plugin. 来源-Kontera ContentLink WordPress插件。

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