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获取HTML数据进行编程(C ++)

[英]Get HTML data to program(C++)

Hi i would like to add some function to my app. 嗨,我想在我的应用程序中添加一些功能。 How it is possible to get data from web page. 如何从网页获取数据。 For example i login to webchat which is ofc https secure. 例如,我登录到ofc https安全的webchat。 And now there is some table with user replies. 现在有一些带有用户回复的表格。

How it is possible to get the table or some other html component, data to my C++ program. 如何将表或其他HTML组件的数据获取到我的C ++程序。 Its SSLed, so we dont want to sniff http. 它经过SSL加密,因此我们不想嗅探http。

What should i do? 我该怎么办?

Maybe have a look at Qt's WebKit component . 也许看看Qt的WebKit组件 It provides access to the web like a browser and you can access the elements of the retrieved page later on in your C++ code. 它像浏览器一样提供对Web的访问,稍后您可以在C ++代码中访问所检索页面的元素。

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