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[英]case-insensitive search of MySQL?

case-insensitive search of MySQL? 不区分大小写的MySQL搜索?

For my site search, what is the most efficient way of to query my db for a word/phrase regardless of case? 对于我的网站搜索,无论大小写,查询我的数据库的单词/短语的最有效方法是什么?

If your database / table is not set up with a case-insensitive collate you need to append something like COLLATE utf8_general_ci to your query. 如果您的数据库/表未设置为不区分大小写的整理,则需要在查询中附加COLLATE utf8_general_ci等内容。 (The _ci suffix stands for case insensitive.) _ci后缀代表不区分大小写。)

Have a look at the documentation: 看一下文档:。 Using COLLATE in SQL Statements : 在SQL语句中使用COLLATE

With the COLLATE clause, you can override whatever the default collation is for a comparison. 使用COLLATE子句,您可以覆盖默认排序规则以进行比较。 COLLATE may be used in various parts of SQL statements. COLLATE可用于SQL语句的各个部分。

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