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[英]Service for sending SMS and making Voice Calls from Web site and Desktop application

We plan to integrate sending of SMS and making calls to our desktop and web applications. 我们计划整合发送短信和拨打我们的桌面和网络应用程序。 Both are written in Java. 两者都是用Java编写的。

As for only sending SMS we know about great gateway from Clickatell . 至于发送短信,我们知道来自Clickatell的伟大网关。 But ideally, we would like to use one service similar to it, but which supports Voice Calls and SMS. 但理想情况下,我们希望使用一种与之类似的服务,但它支持语音呼叫和短信。

What service/gateway could you recommend? 你能推荐什么服务/网关? Here are our main requirements: 以下是我们的主要要求:

  • Reliable 可靠
  • Work world wild (if not, at least Europe operators must be supported) 工作世界狂野(如果没有,至少必须支持欧洲运营商)
  • Providing external API (for SMS) and reusable components (for Voice Calls) which can be integrated with Desktop and Web Java-based applications 提供外部API(用于SMS)和可重用组件(用于语音呼叫),可以与基于桌面和Web Java的应用程序集成
  • Providing sending SMS and making Voice Calls 提供发送短信和拨打语音电话

If there is no service which supports SMS and Voice Calls, we will try to integrate two various services with our products. 如果没有支持短信和语音呼叫的服务,我们将尝试将两种不同的服务与我们的产品集成。 So, if you know reliable services either for sending SMS or making Voice Calls, please, write about them also. 因此,如果您知道发送短信或拨打语音电话的可靠服务,请同时写下这些服务。 Thanks for your answers. 谢谢你的回答。


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