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[英]How to show only few lines from a body text


I would suggest to create one more column for this so you don't need to limit words on every request. 我建议为此再增加一列,这样就不必在每个请求上都限制单词。 Limitation will be easy to do with php: 使用php限制很容易做到:

$str = '<html>word word <b> word word word word word</b> word word word <u> word</u></html>';
$str = strip_tags($str); // strip html tags
preg_match('/^\s*+(?:\S++\s*+){1,10}/u', $str, $matches); // kohana's Text::limit_words()
$str = trim($matches[0]); // first 10 words of string
$ten = 10;
$text = strip_tags($bodyText);  // remove html tags from the body text
$wordArray = str_word_count($text,2); //extract word offsets into an array
$offsetArray = array_keys($wordArray); // Convert offsets to an array indexed by word
$firstTenWords = substr($text,0,$offsetArray[$ten]-1); extract from the string between the start and tenth word

I forgot that you wanted to get the first 10 words but I would try using a substring of a stripped string and bring back a certain number of characters. 我忘记了您想获得前10个字,但我会尝试使用剥离字符串的子字符串并带回一定数量的字符。 Probably easier code and relatively the same result: 可能更简单的代码和相对相同的结果:

 $start_position = 0;
 $length = 30; // number of characters, not words
 $suffix = "..."

 // check if string is longer than limit and if so, shorten and attach suffix
 if (strlen($your_text) > ($length - 3) {
   echo substr(strip_tags($your_text), $start_position, $length) . $suffix;
 } else {
   echo $strip_tags($your_text);

Should do the trick if you're getting rid of all formatting, like line breaks, etc. 如果您要摆脱所有格式设置(例如换行符等),则应该采取措施。

As your field contains html, it's very difficult to get valid html out - mysql doesn't understand html. 由于您的字段包含html,因此很难获得有效的html-mysql无法理解html。

You can use mysql's substring though: 您可以使用mysql的子字符串

BETTER solution 更好的解决方案

function gen_string($string,$min=10,$clean=false) {
    $string = str_replace('<br />',' ',$string);
    $string = str_replace('</p>',' ',$string);
    $string = str_replace('<li>',' ',$string);
    $string = str_replace('</li>',' ',$string);
    $text = trim(strip_tags($string));
    if(strlen($text)>$min) {
        $blank = strpos($text,' ');
        if($blank) {
            # limit plus last word
            $extra = strpos(substr($text,$min),' ');
            $max = $min+$extra;
            $r = substr($text,0,$max);
            if(strlen($text)>=$max && !$clean) $r=trim($r,'.').'...';
        } else {
            # if there are no spaces
            $r = substr($text,0,$min).'...';
    } else {
        # if original length is lower than limit
        $r = $text;
    return trim($r);

just pass the html through the gen_string() function 只需通过gen_string()函数传递html


 echo substr($returnedQuery, 0,10);

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