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[英]Wicket - runtime class reloading

I have classical complaint - rebuilding and reloading the web app takes too long. 我有经典的抱怨-重建和重新加载Web应用程序花费的时间太长。 I want to compile the classes (preferrably from the IDE) or change a static file and let the server check what changed and act approprietly (reload the class/file). 我想编译类(最好是从IDE)或更改静态文件,然后让服务器检查更改的内容并采取适当措施(重新加载类/文件)。

What are my options for Wicket + JDK 1.6 ? 我对Wicket + JDK 1.6有哪些选择? I'd prefer Jetty, but Tomcat, JBoss AS or others are good, too. 我更喜欢Jetty,但是Tomcat,JBoss AS或其他工具也不错。

I am not using the ReloadingWicketFilter since I use mvn jetty:run-exploded because it's the simplest way to run my app with desired configuration, and jetty plugin does not (?) support using that. 我不使用ReloadingWicketFilter因为我使用mvn jetty:run-exploded因为这是使用所需配置运行我的应用程序的最简单方法,而jetty插件不(?)支持使用该配置。

Thanks, Ondra 谢谢,恩德拉

Be sure to configure Wicket in development mode by adding this init param to Wicket's filter in web.xml: 通过在web.xml中的Wicket过滤器中添加以下初始化参数,确保在开发模式下配置Wicket:


Another productivity booster is JRebel which reloads classfile changes (well, most of them) on the fly. 另一个提高生产力的方法是JRebel,它可以即时重新加载类文件更改(当然,其中的大多数)。

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