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[英]Odd linked list/anonymous class behavior - executing when added?

This question is related to How to Queue and Call Actual Methods.. . 这个问题与如何排队和调用实际方法有关 Anyway, I've decided to (after all) go with the anonymous class idea. 无论如何,我已经决定(毕竟)采用匿名类的想法。 The problem is that when I ADD my anonymous class to the linked list, it's actually calling execute() immediately... and it shouldn't be. 问题是,当我将我的匿名类添加到链接列表时,它实际上是立即调用execute(),而不应该这样。 Execute() is to be called later. Execute()将在以后调用。 Anyway, this is what I have: 无论如何,这就是我所拥有的:

private LinkedList<AgentAction> actions;
public boolean blockingSensor;

this.actions.add( new AgentAction(this) {
 public void execute() {
  this.agent.printLCD("Turn, blocking = "+this.agent.blockingSensor);

 public Object getValue() {
  return null;

//this is essentially the main()
public void performBehavior()
    //make sure to only call run() each tick, not every ms
    if ( this.oldCounter < getCounter() )
        if ( !isWorking() )
        this.oldCounter = getCounter();

abstract class AgentAction
 SimbadAgent agent;
 public AgentAction(SimbadAgent a)
  this.agent = a;
 public abstract void execute();
 public abstract Object getValue();

run() is an abstract method that is implemented by a child class. run()是由子类实现的抽象方法。 I'm just not sure why it's printing when it's added, rather than executed. 我只是不确定为什么添加它而不是执行它时要打印。 I understand this would imply that performBehavior() is actually being executed multiple times rather than once per tick, but that's not the case. 我知道这暗示着performBehavior()实际上实际上被执行了多次,而不是每个滴答一次,但是事实并非如此。

The devil is in the details. 细节决定成败。 There's almost certainly a bug somewhere in the code you're not showing (my guess is run ), but let's address a deeper point. 几乎可以肯定的是,您未显示的代码中有一个错误(我的猜测是run ),但让我们解决一个更深层次的问题。 This code looks a LOT like there producer-consumer problem. 此代码看起来像有很多 生产者-消费者问题。 If so, I recommend checking out java.util.concurrent : it's overflowing with concurrency-related goodness that makes things like this WAY easier than trying to roll your own. 如果是的话,我建议您检查出java.util.concurrent :它与并发相关的善良,使事情像这样不是试图推出自己更容易溢出。 For your particular case, it looks like ScheduledExecutorService might be a good fit. 对于您的特定情况,似乎ScheduledExecutorService很合适。 If it's not exactly what you need, I still recommend poking around in the package; 如果不是您所需要的,我仍然建议您在包装中随便看看; like I said, it's stuffed with handy things that will probably be a lot easier to work with than something you built yourself from the concurrency primitives. 就像我说的那样,它充满了方便的事情,比起使用并发原语自己构建的东西要容易得多。

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