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[英]My daily Drupal question: get all nodes in a given vocabulary trough the api

While you can easily make a query result where vid=vocabularyId I'd like to know if there's a method in the api to do so so my code looks a bit less ugly. 虽然您可以轻松地在vid = vocabularyId中创建查询结果,但我想知道api中是否有方法可以这样做,所以我的代码看起来有点不那么难看。 I'd like to know if theres something like vocabulary_get_nodes(vid) already implemented in Drupal's core. 我想知道是否已经在Drupal的核心中实现了类似于vocabulary_get_nodes(vid)的东西。

Not sure this is exactly what you want to do, but check out these three API functions: 不确定这正是您想要做的,但请查看以下三个API函数:

  1. taxonomy_select_nodes() taxonomy_select_nodes()
  2. taxonomy_render_nodes() taxonomy_render_nodes()
  3. taxonomy_term_page() taxonomy_term_page()

If you search api.drupal.org, there are several other vocabulary related API functions as well, just search for the ones that begin with taxonomy_ 如果您搜索api.drupal.org,还有其他几个与词汇相关的API函数,只需搜索以taxonomy_开头的那些函数。

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