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[英]Can I test Android apps that I develop on this real hardware device?

Since I don't know (and I don't think anyone does) when the next version of the Android Developer Phone that will support Android 2.x be available, can I use the following unlocked Android phone available on Amazon 由于我不知道(而且我认为没有人会知道)何时将提供支持Android 2.x的下一版Android开发人员电话,因此我可以使用亚马逊上提供的以下未锁定的Android手机吗?

http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Milestone-Unlocked-International-Warranty/dp/B0030G6HRQ/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&s=wireless&qid=1277232350&sr=8-23 http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Milestone-Unlocked-International-Warranty/dp/B0030G6HRQ/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&s=wireless&qid=1277232350&sr=8-23

to test my Android apps (that is after testing on simulators). 测试我的Android应用程序(即在模拟器上进行测试后)。 Please share any experience you have on testing on real hardware devices, preferably without having to sign a long term contract. 请分享您在真实硬件设备上进行测试的经验,最好无需签订长期合同。

I believe that the current generation developer phone is the Nexus One. 我相信目前的开发人员手机是Nexus One。 It comes Sim unlocked and Bootloader unlocked and it's running Android 2.2. 它具有Sim解锁和Bootloader解锁的功能,并且正在运行Android 2.2。 That said you can test your app on any device that meets the criteria of your app. 也就是说,您可以在符合应用条件的任何设备上测试您的应用。 The one thing that you do need to keep in mind is supporting multiple screen sizes. 您需要牢记的一件事就是支持多种屏幕尺寸。 There are three sizes, ldpi, mdpi and hdpi. 共有三种尺寸:ldpi,mdpi和hdpi。 If you have a G1 / MyTouch then that's mdpi, if you get a Nexus One or Droid / Milestone that's hdpi, so you have those two covered. 如果您使用的是G1 / MyTouch,则为mdpi,如果您使用的是Nexus One或Hroid的Droid / Milestone,那么您可以同时使用这两个。

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