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[英]Receive udp data from the system udp server on android?

嗨,我是android的新手。我需要知道如何在android emulator中接收udp数据。数据来自PC(UDP SERVER正在PC上运行)。我正在使用Eclipse IDE。任何人都可以指导我解决这个问题?

You will need to set up redirects since the emulator sits behind a virtual router. 由于仿真器位于虚拟路由器后面,因此您将需要设置重定向

Start the emulator, connect to it via telnet, then give it routing commands; 启动仿真器,通过telnet连接到它,然后给它路由命令;

telnet localhost 5554 
redir add udp:<host-port>:<guest-port>

You will need to this each time you restart the eumlator, so it might be worthwhile to script it. 每次重新启动枚举器时都需要这样做,因此编写脚本可能是值得的。

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