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[英]Generating pdf from latex

I have been using two computers to generating pdf files from latex file by Winshell, but the characters (or images) in the pdf files generated from latex file on one computer looks always much more clear than the pdf pdf file generated by the same file on the other computer. 我一直在使用两台计算机从Winshell的乳胶文件中生成pdf文件,但是从一台计算机上的乳胶文件生成的pdf文件中的字符(或图像)看起来总是比同一台计算机上的同一文件生成的pdf pdf文件清晰得多。另一台计算机。 Could anyone tell me what the problem is, or how to improve the quality of pdf file to be genearted on the other computer? 谁能告诉我问题出在哪里,或者如何提高要在另一台计算机上生成的pdf文件的质量? (The Adobe I am using on the two computers are on the same version) (我在两台计算机上使用的Adobe的版本相同)

Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。

I don't have an answer, but just a possibility. 我没有答案,只是一种可能。 Does the LaTeX document specify a specific font? LaTeX文档是否指定特定字体? If so, it's possible that the font is available on only one of the computers and on the other it's reverting back to a default font that looks similar but is of lower quality. 如果是这样,则该字体可能仅在其中一台计算机上可用,而在另一台计算机上,它会还原为看起来相似但质量较低的默认字体。

This would be indicated in the log file. 这将在日志文件中指示。 Actually the log file is something you should check, anyway, since it may indicate some other difference that's causing the problem. 实际上,无论如何,日志文件都是您应该检查的东西,因为它可能表明其他引起问题的差异。 So I would do a diff of the log files on both computers to see what the differences are. 因此,我将对两台计算机上的日志文件进行比较,以了解差异。

If it's a font substitution issue I would expect the documents to have some other subtle differences, eg, fonts having slightly different widths and kerning so that the lines in the document break between different words, or a line in one document runs slightly longer than the same line in the other. 如果是字体替换问题,我希望文档具有一些其他细微的差异,例如,字体的宽度和字距稍有不同,以便文档中的行在不同的单词之间中断,或者一个文档中的行比文档中的行稍长在另一条相同的线。

Also, if it's not just text, but also images, that are the problem, then it's not font substitution that's the problem. 另外,如果问题不只是文本,还包括图像,那就不是字体替换了。 In that case comparing the LaTeX log files should reveal differences.a 在这种情况下,比较LaTeX日志文件应该可以发现差异。

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