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[英]How do I increase the font size based on the window width?

I am creating a web-based app that will be displayed on television and other large monitors. 我正在创建一个基于网络的应用程序,将在电视和其他大型显示器上显示。 I am wanting a quick and easy way to increase the font size to fit the window size. 我想要一种快速简便的方法来增加字体大小以适应窗口大小。 The text is dynamic. 文字是动态的。

Any help is greatly appreciated. 任何帮助是极大的赞赏。 ;) ;)

If you're interested in / able to use CSS3 then there is a pure CSS solution - media queries >> http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/ 如果您对CSS3感兴趣/能够使用CSS3,那么就有一个纯CSS解决方案 - 媒体查询 >> http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/

So for example, the CSS: 例如,CSS:

@media screen and (min-device-width: 800px) { ... }

...allows you to specify different styles for the page when displayed on a 800px screen or greater. ...允许您在800px或更高屏幕上显示时为页面指定不同的样式。 Obviously you can vary this as you like - powerful stuff 显然你可以随心所欲地改变它 - 强大的东西

You may also want to consider the prewritten javascript at the end of this link ... http://www.themaninblue.com/experiment/ResolutionLayout/# 您可能还想在此链接的末尾考虑预先编写的javascript ... http://www.themaninblue.com/experiment/ResolutionLayout/#

OK - for starters, you should use Ems for as many measurements as you can in your UI. 好的 - 对于初学者,您应该使用Ems进行尽可能多的测量,就像在UI中一样。 At the very least, size all of your text elements with Ems (rather than pixels or %'s). 至少,使用Ems(而不是像素或%)来调整所有文本元素的大小。 If possible, setting the width of layout blocks in Ems will help the app scale in proportion, too. 如果可能,在Ems中设置布局块的宽度将有助于应用程序按比例缩放。 If you can set all your dimensions in Ems, your entire app will be visually scalable. 如果您可以在Ems中设置所有维度,那么整个应用程序将在视觉上可扩展。

The key to Ems is that they're sized relative to the font size of their parent element - which means you can adjust the size of all the text in proportion, by adjusting the font-size of the body element (since everything is relative to the body). Ems的关键在于它们的大小相对于其父元素的字体大小 - 这意味着您可以通过调整body元素的字体大小来调整所有文本的大小(因为所有内容都相对于身体)。

The last step is to use a piece of javascript to detect the width of the viewport, and set the font-size of the body accordingly. 最后一步是使用一段javascript来检测视口的宽度,并相应地设置主体的字体大小。 Depending on how fine-grained you want to control the scale, you can either use classes on the body element to set up a set of pre-defined values, or directly manipulate the font-size itself. 根据您希望控制比例的细粒度,您可以使用body元素上的类来设置一组预定义的值,也可以直接操作font-size本身。 I'd tend to use pre-determined sizes if possible to make testing easier. 如果可能的话,我倾向于使用预先确定的尺寸来使测试更容易。

I'd use a javascript library to make the detection of the viewport width easier - it's notoriously different in different browsers. 我使用javascript库来更容易地检测视口宽度 - 在不同的浏览器中它是众所周知的不同。 With jQuery, the code could look like: 使用jQuery,代码可能如下所示:

  var viewPortWidth = $(window).width();

  if (viewPortWidth > 1900) {$('body').addClass('extraWide')}
  else if (viewPortWidth > 1400) {$('body').addClass('wide')}
  else if (viewPortWidth > 1000) {$('body').addClass('standard')}
  else if (viewPortWidth > 700) {$('body').addClass('narrow')}
  else {$('body').addClass('extraNarrow')}


And the CSS: 而CSS:

<style type="text/css">

  body {font-size:62.5%;}  /* Set the size of 1em to 10px in all browsers */

  body.extraWide {font-size:85%;}
  body.wide {font-size:75%;}

  body.narrow {font-size:50%;}
  body.extraNarrow {font-size:40%;}


Those values can be tweaked however you like, of course, and you can set up as many divisions as you want. 当然,您可以调整这些值,并且可以根据需要设置多个分区。 This is very much a quick-and-dirty solution, but should do the trick. 这是一个快速而又肮脏的解决方案,但应该做到这一点。

A note - the javascript code shown will only set the scale once when the page is loaded - it won't adjust it when you change the size of your window. 注意 - 显示的javascript代码只会在页面加载时设置一次 - 当您更改窗口大小时,它不会调整它。 That's a possible addition, but there are bigger considerations before heading down that track. 这是一个可能的补充,但在开始追踪这条赛道之前还有更大的考虑因素。 Personally, I'd even think about setting the scale value in a cookie, to keep the user's experience consistent throughout their session, rather than rescaling on every page load. 就个人而言,我甚至考虑在cookie中设置比例值,以保持用户在整个会话期间的体验一致,而不是在每个页面加载时重新缩放。

A better version (for me) of the solution provided by japanFour: japanFour提供的解决方案的更好版本(对我来说):


function scaleFont() {

  var viewPortWidth = $(window).width();

  if (viewPortWidth >= 1900) {$('body').attr('class','extraWide');}
  else if (viewPortWidth >= 1400) {$('body').attr('class','wide');}
  else if (viewPortWidth >= 1000) {$('body').attr('class','');}
  else if (viewPortWidth >= 700) {$('body').attr('class','narrow');}
  else {$('body').attr('class','extraNarrow');}

So it resizes only if window is resized (avoiding setTimout ), and you give body only the exact class it needs 因此,只有在调整窗口大小(避免setTimout )时才会调整大小,并且只为body所需的确切类

I know this in quite an old question, but I will be answering anyways due to this being a question that could be searched upon a lot. 我在一个相当古老的问题中知道这一点,但无论如何我都会回答,因为这是一个可以被大量搜索的问题。

There is actually another approach other than Media Queries which is also pure CSS: 实际上除了Media Queries之外还有另一种方法,它也是纯CSS:

Viewport units: vw , vh , vmin , vmax . 视口单位: vwvhvminvmax

These are length units representing 1% of the viewport size for viewport width (vw), height (vh), the smaller of the two (vmin), or the larger of the two (vmax). 这些长度单位表示视口宽度(vw),高度(vh)的视口大小的1%,两者中的较小者(vmin)或两者中的较大者(vmax)。

So for example you could use: 例如,您可以使用:


body {

This sets the font-size of the entire document to 5% of the smallest viewport size (the width or the height). 这会将整个文档的字体大小设置为最小视口大小(宽度或高度)的5%。 So for instance on an iPad (1024 x 768 px) the font-size will be 38,4 px (5% of 768 px because this is the smallest size of either viewport sizes) . 因此,例如在iPad(1024 x 768像素)上, font-size将为38,4 px (768 px的5%,因为这是视口大小的最小尺寸)

Browser compatibility: https://caniuse.com/#feat=viewport-units 浏览器兼容性: https //caniuse.com/#feat=viewport-units

Here would be my approach (with removing actual classes + Drupal 7 jQuery): 这将是我的方法(删除实际的类+ Drupal 7 jQuery):

(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function() {

var bodyClassArr = new Array('extraWide', 'wide', 'normal', 'narrow', 'extraNarrow', 'mobile');

function setBodyClass(){
  // remove previous classes
  for(x in bodyClassArr){
      if($('body').hasClass(bodyClassArr[x])){ $('body').removeClass(bodyClassArr[x]); }
  var viewPortWidth = $(window).width();
  if (viewPortWidth > 1900) { $('body').addClass('extraWide'); }
  else if (viewPortWidth > 1400) { $('body').addClass('wide'); }
  else if (viewPortWidth > 1000) { $('body').addClass('normal'); }
  else if (viewPortWidth > 700) { $('body').addClass('narrow'); }
  else if (viewPortWidth < 700) { $('body').addClass('mobile'); }
  else { $('body').addClass('normal'); }

$(window).resize(function() { setBodyClass(); });

}); // jquery end

Is there anything wrong with the following code? 以下代码有什么问题吗? While I agree media queries are very useful, I wanted to continuously scale the font-size of certain elements of my page as the window either grew or shrunk. 虽然我同意媒体查询非常有用,但我想在窗口增长或缩小时不断缩放页面某些元素的字体大小。 This code seems much simpler than the other jquery solutions of establishing class constants based on viewport pixel width: 这个代码似乎比基于视口像素宽度建立类常量的其他jquery解决方案简单得多:

$(document).ready(function() {

  var setFontSize = function() {
    var viewportWidth = $(window).width();
    var fontSize = Math.sqrt(viewportWidth/250);

  $(window).resize(function() {



Beejamin's answer worked as expected, I added a set timeout so it would scale in real time. Beejamin的答案按预期工作,我添加了一个设置超时,因此它会实时扩展。 It doesn't reverse scale though. 但它并没有扭转规模。

$(document).ready(function() {scaleFont();});

    function scaleFont() {

      var viewPortWidth = $(window).width();

      if (viewPortWidth > 1900) {$('body').addClass('extraWide')}
      else if (viewPortWidth > 1400) {$('body').addClass('wide')}
      else if (viewPortWidth > 1000) {$('body').addClass('standard')}
      else if (viewPortWidth > 700) {$('body').addClass('narrow')}
      else {$('body').addClass('extraNarrow')}

      setTimeout(scaleFont, 100); 


$(document).ready(function() {scaleFont();});

    function scaleFont() {

      var viewPortWidth = $(window).width();

      if (viewPortWidth >= 1900) {$('body').addClass('extraWide').removeClass('wide, standard, narrow, extraNarrow')}
      else if (viewPortWidth >= 1400) {$('body').addClass('wide').removeClass('extraWide, standard, narrow, extraNarrow')}
      else if (viewPortWidth >= 1000) {$('body').addClass('standard').removeClass('extraWide, wide, narrow, extraNarrow')}
      else if (viewPortWidth >= 700) {$('body').addClass('narrow').removeClass('extraWide, standard, wide, extraNarrow')}
      else {$('body').addClass('extraNarrow').removeClass('extraWide, standard, wide, narrow')}

      setTimeout(scaleFont, 100); 



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