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[英]Inserting Array References into Perl Heap

I am inserting 2-dimensional array references into my heap in Perl. 我在Perl的堆中插入二维数组引用。 How should I define the 'elements' attribute when constructing my heap so that I can properly use my comparator function? 构造堆时如何定义“元素”属性,以便可以正确使用比较器函数?

my $heap = Heap::Simple->new( order     => \&byNumOrStr,
                              elements  => [Array => 0]

sub byNumOrStr
    my ( $a, $b ) = @_;

    $b->[0] <=> $a->[0]  #0-th element is a number. 
    $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]; #1-st element is a number

I keep getting back this error: 我不断得到这个错误:

Can't use string ("2.55") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use ... (This means I might actually have to compare my "number string" numerically) 使用“ strict refs”时不能使用字符串(“ 2.55”)作为ARRAY ref ...(这意味着我实际上可能必须在数字上比较“ number string”)

Well, it's likely that either $a or $b is being passed in as a string. 好吧,很可能$a$b作为字符串传递。 Try printing out this variables after the assignment. 分配后尝试打印出此变量。

From what I can see from the documentation, when you pass elements => [ Array => 0 ] , unless the 0th item in the array is an array then you'll only be comparing the values in the first slot of the array. 从文档中可以看到,当您传递elements => [ Array => 0 ] ,除非数组中的第0个项目是数组,那么您将只比较数组第一个插槽中的

[Array => $index]
Indicates that the elements are array references, with the key at index $index. 指示元素是数组引用,键为索引$ index。 So now the element can be not just the key, but also associated data. 因此,现在该元素不仅可以是键,还可以是关联的数据。

This means that if 2.55 is in the array like [ 2.55, ... ] then that's what's being passed in as $a or $b . 这意味着如果数组[2.55,...]中有2.55,那么这就是$a$b传递的内容。

The elements entry tells H::S how you want to derive the key. elements条目告诉H::S如何获取密钥。 For a completely generic way, it says that you can pass [Function => $code_ref_for_key] . 对于一种完全通用的方式,它表示您可以传递[Function => $code_ref_for_key] You could make it like this: 您可以这样:

sub first_two_slots { my $array_ref = shift; sub first_two_slots {my $ array_ref = shift; return [ @$array_ref[0,1] ]; 返回[@ $ array_ref [0,1]]; } }

And then with the order as specified, it would pass that array into your order and specify 然后使用指定的订单,它将把该数组传递到您的订单中并指定

my $heap = Heap::Simple->new( order     => \&byNumOrStr,
                              elements  => [Function => \&first_two_slots]

Original comment left in place: (It's not relevant to how Heap::Simple calls order). 保留原始注释:(Heap::Simple调用顺序无关)。

if byNumOrStr is called from sort DON'T assign $a and $b in it. 如果从sort调用byNumOrStr不要在其中分配$a$b Those values are set by sort . 这些值是按sort设置的。 If there is something coming in @_ it's probably not what you want. 如果@_ ,可能不是您想要的。

Sorting a two-dimensional array doesn't really make sense -- when you sort something, there is a defined order. 对二维数组进行排序实际上没有意义-对某项进行排序时,存在定义的顺序。 Having two sort criteria doesn't make it a two-dimensional list... do you mean that you have data that are a list of two elements? 拥有两个排序条件并不能使其成为一个二维列表……您是说您拥有的数据是两个元素的列表? eg: 例如:

my $element = [ '0', 'string' ];

I think Example 1 in the documentation ("where key and value are kept separate") applies here -- you want to sort the references, not the values themselves. 我认为文档中的示例1(“键和值保持分开的位置”)在这里适用-您想对引用进行排序,而不是对值本身进行排序。 So try declaring with elements => "Any" , and then adjust your sort method to match: 因此,尝试使用 elements => "Any" ,然后调整您的sort方法以使其匹配:

(I was wrong.. it looks like elements => [Array => 0] is correct, since these are just plain old arrayrefs being sorted. (我错了。。看起来elements => [Array => 0]是正确的,因为它们只是被排序的普通旧arrayrefs。

my $heap = Heap::Simple->new( order     => \&byNumOrStr,
                              elements  => [Array => 0],

sub byNumOrStr
    my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_;

    my $result = 
        $val1->[0] <=> $val2->[0]  # the 0th element is a number
        $val1->[1] cmp $val2->[1]; # the 1st element is a string

    # The docs say "this should return a true value if $key1 is smaller than $key2 and a false value otherwise."
    return $result == -1;

PS. PS。 As discussed in Secondary Order in Heap::Simple , the comparison function in Heap::Simple does not want a return value of -1, 0, or 1, but rather true or false. Heap :: Simple中的次要顺序中所述,Heap :: Simple中的比较函数不希望返回值为-1、0或1,而是希望返回true或false。 You need to convert the comparison result before returning from the function. 从函数返回之前,需要转换比较结果。

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