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[英]Trying to create DataGridView from key-value pairs in C#

In a Windows Form application, I'm trying to create a DataGridView with two columns: one for the key given by an XML element and one for the value of said XML element. 在Windows Form应用程序中,我试图创建一个包含两列的DataGridView:一列用于XML元素给出的键,另一列用于表示XML元素的值。 This is my code so far: 到目前为止这是我的代码:

        this.myData = new DataGridView();

        myData.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 42);
        myData.Name = "myData";
        myData.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1060, 585);
        myData.TabIndex = 32;

        foreach (XElement xElem in xInfoItems)

        myData.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn());
        myData.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn());
        myData.Columns[0].Name = "Key";
        myData.Columns[0].DataPropertyName = "key";
        myData.Columns[1].Name = "Value";
        myData.Columns[1].DataPropertyName = "value";

        List<myRow> data = new List<myRow>();

        foreach (XElement xElem in xInfoItems)
            data.Add(new myRow(xElem.Attribute("key").Value, xElem.Value));

        myData.DataSource = data;



I have confirmed that all of the information in data is being loaded via foreach, so that part is working. 我已经证实,所有的信息data被通过的foreach加载,使部分工作。 My problem is that the grid displays, but nothing shows up on the grid. 我的问题是网格显示,但是网格上什么也没有显示。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? I'm not very good with this data type so I apologize if it's something obvious. 我对这种数据类型不太满意,因此我很抱歉这很明显。


I figured out that I hadn't set myData up properly in the Design view. 我发现我没有在“设计”视图中正确设置myData。 After adding the myRow class, it worked perfectly. 添加myRow类后,它可以完美运行。 Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

The problem may lie in your myRow class. 问题可能出在您的myRow类中。 When I was trying to reproduce your code, I first defined "key" and "value" as public fields of the myRow class as so: 当我尝试重现您的代码时,我首先将“ key”和“ value”定义为myRow类的公共字段,如下所示:

public class myRow {
  public string key;
  public string value;

  public myRow( string Key, string Value )
     key = Key;
     value = Value;


This caused the bound rows to show up but the text was not in the cells. 这导致显示绑定的行,但文本不在单元格中。 When I changed both of them to properties, the binding worked much better: 当我将它们都更改为属性时,绑定的效果更好:

public class myRow{
  private string _key;
  public string key
        return _key;

  private string _value;
  public string value
        return _value;

  public myRow( string Key, string Value )
     _key = Key;
     _value = Value;

} }

Probably the modifications I made on your code can help. 我对您的代码所做的修改可能会有所帮助。 (I just have focused on the part where you create the columns and add the rows, using a DataTable). (我只是专注于使用DataTable创建列并添加行的部分)。

this.myData = new DataGridView();

myData.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 42);
myData.Name = "myData";
myData.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1060, 585);
myData.TabIndex = 32;

foreach (XElement xElem in xInfoItems)

// Here we create a DataTable with two columns.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Key", typeof(string));
table.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(string));

foreach (XElement xElem in xInfoItems)
     //Here we add rows to table
     table.Rows.Add(xElem.Attribute("key").Value, xElem.Value);

myData.DataSource = table;



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