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Ruby on Rails用户日期输入

[英]Ruby on Rails User Date Input

I've been search around for a good gem/plug-in to allow intuitive user input of a date(ie select a date from a pop-up calendar). 我一直在寻找一个好的gem / plugin来允许用户直观地输入日期(即从弹出式日历中选择一个日期)。

calendardateselect looks really good, but it's no longer in active development, and no longer installs correctly. calendardateselect看起来确实不错,但是不再处于活动开发中,并且无法正确安装。

I found a few others, but they were all quite stale. 我发现了其他一些,但它们都过时了。 What are Stack Overflow users using for date input in rails? Stack Overflow用户在rails中用于日期输入的是什么?

Per @bjg and @Fortuity jQuery UI is the direction I decided to go. Per @bjg和@Fortuity jQuery UI是我决定去的方向。 Getting it up and running was a little complex, so I wrote a short how-to for others . 安装和运行起来有点复杂,所以我为其他人写了一个简短的方法

The jQuery UI Datepicker has been popular among Rails developers since Ryan Bates produced a screencast showing how to use it in a Rails application. jQuery UI Datepicker在Rails开发人员中很受欢迎,因为Ryan Bates制作了一个截屏视频,显示了如何在Rails应用程序中使用它。

For a Rails plugin that uses the jQuery UI Datepicker, look at: 对于使用jQuery UI Datepicker的Rails插件,请查看:

Ryan's screencast includes hints for how to use it with Rails 3. The table_builder plugin is for Rails 2.3. Ryan的截屏视频包含有关如何在Rails 3中使用它的提示。table_builder插件用于Rails 2.3。 I haven't yet seen a datepicker plugin for Rails 3 but it's easy to implement without a plugin. 我还没有看到Rails 3的datepicker插件,但是没有插件很容易实现。

If you are willing to consider JQuery in your application then the very actively supported jquery-ui project has a datepicker. 如果您愿意在您的应用程序中考虑JQuery,那么受积极支持的jquery-ui项目将使用datepicker。 See here for details 详情请看这里

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