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[英]CakePHP beginner's question about views

I have finally quit the idea of learning Zend and instead i find CakePHP and CodeIgniter to be very impressive and simple to understand rather than cramming the strange global functions and configuration of index.php. 我终于放弃了学习Zend的想法,取而代之的是,我发现CakePHP和CodeIgniter非常令人印象深刻且易于理解,而不是塞满了奇怪的全局函数和index.php的配置。 Anyways, i wanted to ask you that CakePHP even spits out Html in sort of php language like :- 无论如何,我想问你CakePHP甚至以类似如下的php语言吐出Html:

<?= $html->css('default'); ?>

Do i have to necessarily use this syntax only? 我是否必须仅使用此语法? or can i use plain old HTML's link tag to load my stylesheet? 还是可以使用普通的旧HTML的链接标记来加载样式表? If i have to strictly follow these rules only, then how shall i use JQuery and such things in CakePHP? 如果仅必须严格遵循这些规则,那么我该如何在CakePHP中使用JQuery和类似的东西?

Thanks in advance :) 提前致谢 :)

You can use plain html in .ctp files. 您可以在.ctp文件中使用纯HTML。 However using the helpers provided by CakePHP will make your life a lot easier. 但是,使用CakePHP提供的帮助程序将使您的生活更加轻松。

As for using JavaScript (like jquery) 至于使用JavaScript(例如jquery)

echo $javascript->link('scriptfile'); 

Take a look at the cake book for more info: 看看蛋糕书了解更多信息:

http://book.cakephp.org/view/206/Inserting-Well-Formatted-elements http://book.cakephp.org/view/206/Inserting-Well-Formatted-elements

http://book.cakephp.org/view/349/Methods http://book.cakephp.org/view/349/Methods

In your view files, you can use anything that would be valid in a PHP file. 在视图文件中,可以使用任何在PHP文件中有效的东西。

  • In your mind, just think HTML and PHP at the same time: 在您的脑海中,只需同时考虑HTML和PHP:
  • PHP inside <?php ... ?> (don't ever do this: <? ... ?> - IE will fail) <?php ... ?>永远不要这样做: <? ... ?> -IE将会失败)
  • JS inside <script type=....> ... </script> <script type=....> ... </script> JS
  • HTML inside: ...well, not inside anything. HTML内部:...好吧,什么都没有。
  • You can include inline CSS or CSS files with HTML or via helper. 您可以将内联CSS或CSS文件包含在HTML中或通过帮助器。
  • Even PHP includes can be used. 甚至PHP include也可以使用。

Using the css and javascript and html image helpers, if the path you specify does not include a '/' at the first char, CakePHP will look in webroot/css (or webroot/js or webroot/img). 使用css和javascript和html图像助手,如果您指定的路径的第一个字符不包含“ /”,则CakePHP将在webroot / css(或webroot / js或webroot / img)中查找。 If the first char of the path is a '/' then you can specify your own location, eg 如果路径的第一个字符为“ /”,则可以指定自己的位置,例如

  • echo $javascript->link('scriptfile'); // webroot/js/scriptfile.css echo $javascript->link('scriptfile'); // webroot/js/scriptfile.css (note the helper appends the filetype) echo $javascript->link('scriptfile'); // webroot/js/scriptfile.css (注意帮助程序会附加文件类型)

  • echo $javascript->link('/myScripts/scriptfile'); // webroot/myScripts/scriptfile.css

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