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[英]avoid browser reset from onclick event (prototype)

I have few anchors with a click event: 我的点击事件锚点很少:

$$('.someanchor').invoke('observe', 'click', somefunction );

When the anchor is clicked, the browser scrolls to top. 单击锚点后,浏览器将滚动到顶部。 I tried to insert return false at the end of somefunction , but it still scrolls up. 我尝试在somefunction的末尾插入return false ,但是它仍然向上滚动。

Usually I would use something like: 通常我会使用类似:

Event.observe('somelement', 'click', somefunction, false);

But this doesnt work for a collection of elements. 但这不适用于元素集合。 So how do I return false from a invoke statement? 那么,如何从invoke语句return false

somefunction ,在函数主体的末尾添加以下内容(确保e是最后一个参数,并且用于Event对象):


"e.preventDefault()" prevents the anchor default behavior but not the event propagation (bubbling). “ e.preventDefault()”阻止锚默认行为,但不阻止事件传播(冒泡)。 I would use "Event.stop(event)" to neutralize both, just for being on the safe side. 为了安全起见,我将使用“ Event.stop(event)”中和这两者。

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