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Drupal Webform模块:仅电子邮件

[英]Drupal Webform module: e-mail only

I am using Drupal Webform 6.x-2.9 - is there a way (some code snippet or module) to make the form 'e-mail only' and NOT store the submissions in the database? 我正在使用Drupal Webform 6.x-2.9-是否有一种方法(某些代码段或模块)可以使表单“仅电子邮件”而不将提交内容存储在数据库中? I googled for a solution and there was an idea to automatically clear the results from the database upon submission, but I'm not sure how to write such code. 我用谷歌搜索了一个解决方案,有一个想法是在提交后自动从数据库中清除结果,但是我不确定如何编写这样的代码。 I'd prefer not to hack the module files and use Additional Processing option is possible. 我希望不要破解模块文件,并且可以使用“其他处理”选项。 Any suggestions/code snippets would be greatly appreciated. 任何建议/代码段将不胜感激。

It's kind of a backup intended for if you have email issues or didn't receive it, there is a copy. 如果您有电子邮件问题或没有收到,它是一种备份,有副本。

You could write a simple module with a cron hook that clears the submissions every hour. 您可以编写一个带有cron挂钩的简单模块,该模块每小时清除一次提交。

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