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[英]How do I get my Python date in the format that I want?

I'm reading a date from an Excel cell in Python (using .Value on the cell)... the result that I get is: 我正在从Python中的Excel单元格读取日期(在单元格上使用.Value )...得到的结果是:

07/06/10 00:00:00

I thought this was a string, and so went about trying to figure out how to convert this to the format I need ("yyyyMMdd", or "20100706" in this example). 我以为这是一个字符串,因此尝试找出如何将其转换为所需的格式(在此示例中为“ yyyyMMdd”或“ 20100706”)。 However, after some playing around I realized that it is not being pulled as a string... Running type() on it returns <type 'time'> . 但是,经过一番游戏之后,我意识到它并没有作为字符串被拉出……在它上面运行type()返回<type 'time'>

I then assumed that it was a Python time object, and tried using strftime on it to convert it to a string... but that didn't work either. 然后,我以为这是一个Python时间对象,并尝试在其上使用strftime将其转换为字符串...但是那也不起作用。 It doesn't recognize the strftime method on the value. 它无法识别该值的strftime方法。

Any idea on how to parse this properly and get the format I want? 关于如何正确解析并获取所需格式的任何想法吗? What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? (And if this clearly contains a date as well as a time, why is Python automatically considering it a time object?) (如果它明确包含日期和时间,为什么Python会自动将其视为时间对象?)

You can convert it to a time object like this: 您可以将其转换为时间对象,如下所示:

import time
time.strptime(str(thetime), '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S')

And then you should be able to manipulate it to your hearts content. 然后,您应该能够操纵它,使其满足您的内心需求。

HTH 高温超导

Have you tried str(time) ? 您尝试过str(time)吗? That should give it to you in a string and then you can play around with the formatting all you like. 这应该以字符串形式提供给您,然后您就可以尝试使用所有喜欢的格式了。

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