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[英]Setting the Culture in ASP.NET

I have an asp:literal: 我有一个asp:literal:

<asp:Literal id="language" OnClick="changeLangauge" Text="<%$ Resources:Translate, switchLanguage %>" runat="server"/>

When it is clicked it switches the language: 单击后,将切换语言:

public void ChangeLanguage(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  string lang = langauge.Attribues["class"];
  if (lang.Equals("fr-CA"))
    language.Attributes.Add("class", "en-US");
    Session["lang"] = "en-US";
    language.Attributes.Add("class", "fr-CA");
    Session["lang"] = "fr-CA";

I have overrided InitializeCulture, to set the culture based on Session["lang"]. 我已经覆盖了InitializeCulture,以基于Session [“ lang”]设置区域性。 The problem is InitializeCulture gets called before ChangeLanguage. 问题是在ChangeLanguage之前调用了InitializeCulture。 How do I get around this problem? 我该如何解决这个问题?

I have tried to get the class value from asp:Literal control from inside InitializeCulture like this: 我试图像这样从InitializeCulture内部从asp:Literal控件获取类值:

public void InitializeCulture(..)
    String selectedLanguage = Request.Form["language"]

but it always returns null. 但它始终返回null。

My suggestion to get around this is to use AJAX. 我的建议是使用AJAX。 Asynchronisly call your ChangeLanguage function when the language literal gets clicked. 单击语言文字时,异步调用您的ChangeLanguage函数。

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