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[英]how to reload the UIpicker view data

I want to reload the data in the UIpicker view. 我想在UIpicker视图中重新加载数据。 actaully i have 2 picker on the view. 实际我在视图上有2个选择器。 and i want to fill the data in the second picker according to the previous selected picker value. 我想根据先前选择的选择器值将数据填充到第二个选择器中。 is it possible? 可能吗? please suggest how i do this. 请建议我如何做到这一点。

How about looking at: 如何看:

http://developer.apple.com/iPhone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIPickerView_Class/Reference/UIPickerView.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006842-CH3-SW10 http://developer.apple.com/iPhone/library/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIPickerView_Class/Reference/UIPickerView.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006842-CH3-SW10

in response to the didSelectRow message your view controller is sent as the UIPickerView delegate? 作为对didSelectRow消息的响应,您的视图控制器是作为UIPickerView委托发送的吗?

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