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[英]What is the Pythonic Way of Differentiating Between a String and a List?

For my program I have a lot of places where an object can be either a string or a list containing strings and other similar lists. 对于我的程序,我有很多地方,对象可以是字符串或包含字符串和其他类似列表的列表。 These are generally read from a JSON file. 这些通常是从JSON文件中读取的。 They both need to be treated differently. 他们都需要区别对待。 Right now, I am just using isinstance, but that does not feel like the most pythonic way of doing it, so does anyone have a better way of doing it? 现在,我只是使用isinstance,但这并不是最狡猾的方式,所以有没有人有更好的方法呢?

No need to import modules, isinstance() , str and unicode (versions before 3 -- there's no unicode in 3!) will do the job for you. 无需导入模块, isinstance()strunicode (3之前的版本 - 3中没有unicode !)将为您完成工作。

Python 2.x: Python 2.x:

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> isinstance(u'', (str, unicode))
>>> isinstance('', (str, unicode))
>>> isinstance([], (str, unicode))

>>> for value in ('snowman', u'☃ ', ['snowman', u'☃ ']):
...     print type(value)
<type 'str'>
<type 'unicode'>
<type 'list'>

Python 3.x: Python 3.x:

Python 3.2 (r32:88445, May 29 2011, 08:00:24) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> isinstance('☃ ', str)
>>> isinstance([], str)

>>> for value in ('snowman', '☃ ', ['snowman', '☃ ']):
...     print(type(value))
<class 'str'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'list'>

From PEP008 : 来自PEP008

Object type comparisons should always use isinstance() instead of comparing types directly. 对象类型比较应始终使用isinstance()而不是直接比较类型。

Since Python3 no longer has unicode or basestring , in this case ( where you are expecting either a list or a string) it's better to test against list 由于Python3不再具有unicodebasestring ,在这种情况下(你期望列表或字符串),最好对list进行测试

if isinstance(thing, list):
    # treat as list
    # treat as str/unicode

as that is compatible with both Python2 and Python3 因为它兼容Python2和Python3

Using isinstance : 使用isinstance

On Python>=2.3 a string may be a str or unicode type. 在Python> = 2.3上,字符串可以是strunicode类型。 To check both cases: 检查两种情况:

if isinstance(a,basestring): # same as isinstance(obj, (str, unicode))
   print "Object is a string"

From Python 3 only one string type exists, so instead of basestring you should use str : 从Python 3只存在一个字符串类型,因此你应该使用str来代替basestring

if isinstance(a,str):
   print "Object is a string"

Another method, using the practice of "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission," duck-typing being generally preferred in Python, you could try to do what you want first, eg: 另一种方法,使用“请求宽恕而非许可更好”的做法,在Python中通常首选鸭子打字,你可以尝试先做你想做的事,例如:

    value = v.split(',')[0]
except AttributeError:  # 'list' objects have no split() method
    value = v[0]

As I like to keep things simple, here is the shortest form that is compatible with both 2.x and 3.x: 因为我喜欢保持简单,这里是与2.x和3.x兼容的最短形式:

# trick for py2/3 compatibility
if 'basestring' not in globals():
   basestring = str

v = "xx"

if isinstance(v, basestring):
   print("is string")

You can use types module: 您可以使用类型模块:

import types
if type(ls) == types.ListType:
    #your code for list objects here

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