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SQL DB2 SQL错误不正确的语法


What am I missing in this code below that will cause the error: 我在下面的这段代码中缺少什么会导致错误:

Msg 170, level 15, line 113 line 113: Incorrect syntax near 'actual_completion_date'. 消息170,级别15,第113行,第113行:“ actual_completion_date”附近的语法不正确。

update #Loss_mit_step
 [STEP924_COMPL_DATE] = Case when step_code ='924' then ls_actual_completion_date else ' ' end,
 [STEP926_COMPL_DATE] = Case when step_code ='926' then ls_actual_completion_date else ' ' end,
 [STEP927_COMPL_DATE] = Case when step_code ='927' then ls_actual_completion_date else ' ' end,
 [STEP928_COMPL_DATE] = Case when step_code ='928' then ls_actual_completion_date else ' ' end,
 [APPROVAL_DATE] = Case when step_code ='Q28' then ls_actual_completion_date else ' ' end

You appear to have an extra comma in the statement, at the very end. 最后,您似乎在语句中有一个逗号。

I suggest you comment out each of the "case" lines, one by one, until you find out what the problem is, or until you only have one line left. 我建议您逐一注释掉每个“案例”行,直到找出问题所在,或者只剩下一行。

What you posted is syntactically correct, so you cannot get a syntax error. 您发布的内容在语法上是正确的,因此不会出现语法错误。 It actually parses fine. 它实际上解析得很好。 Your error message mentions actual_completion_date but you have no such token in your post. 您的错误消息中提到了actual_completion_date但您的帖子中没有这样的标记。 So obviously you posted an error from a different T-SQL. 因此很明显,您发布了来自其他T-SQL的错误。


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