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在 Chrome 的 XHR 中设置断点

[英]Set a breakpoint in XHR in Chrome

I have a page that sends an XHR request when a form is submitted and I would like to get Chrome to break when it receives a response.我有一个页面在提交表单时发送 XHR 请求,我想让 Chrome 在收到响应时中断。 It seems like the best way to accomplish this would be if Chrome has a javascript function that I can call that breaks execution but I've been unable to find anything like that so far.完成此操作的最佳方法似乎是,如果 Chrome 有一个 8822996504788 function,我可以调用它来中断执行,但到目前为止我一直无法找到类似的东西。 Is there another solution?还有其他解决方案吗?

Edit :编辑

I don't actually have a callback defined for the request so I can't set a breakpoint that way.我实际上没有为请求定义回调,所以我不能那样设置断点。 The request is being sent with this line of jquery code:请求是用这行 jquery 代码发送的:

$.post(this.action, $(this).serialize(), null, "script");

where this is a form element. this是一个表单元素。 The null argument is where you would usually define a callback but with the "script" argument, raw javascript is returned by the server and then directly executed, so it seems the only way to break and step through the code is with the debugger; null参数是您通常定义回调的地方,但使用"script"参数时,原始 javascript 由服务器返回然后直接执行,因此看来中断和逐步执行代码的唯一方法是使用debugger; statement.陈述。 This works, but when stepping through the code you can't actually see which line you are on so its a little awkward.这行得通,但是当单步执行代码时,您实际上看不到自己在哪一行,所以有点尴尬。 I suspect that this is a limitation of Chrome's debugging tools.我怀疑这是 Chrome 调试工具的局限性。

drop down the chrome console (ctrl+shift+j) and type any of these:下拉 chrome 控制台 (ctrl+shift+j) 并输入以下任何内容:

Just rewrite the jquery ajax:只需重写jquery ajax:

var prevajax = jQuery.ajax;
jQuery.ajax = function () { debugger; return prevajax.apply(jQuery, arguments); };

or if you are not using jQuery, rewrite the xhr class:或者,如果您不使用 jQuery,请重写 xhr 类:

var prevxhr = XMLHttpRequest;
XMLHttpRequest = function (){debugger; prevxhr.apply(this, arguments);};

After it breaks, just press shift+f11 until you find the method which initiates the ajax request.中断后,只需按 shift+f11 直到找到发起 ajax 请求的方法。

You can just set a breakpoint in the success callback and step through the debugger.您可以在成功回调中设置断点并逐步调试调试器。 To set a breakpoint:要设置断点:

  1. Open "Developer Tools", and click the "Scripts" tab on the top.打开“开发人员工具”,然后单击顶部的“脚本”选项卡。
  2. Select the script that contains the success callback for your AJAX request.选择包含 AJAX 请求的成功回调的脚本。
  3. Click the line number on the left hand side where you want the breakpoint.单击左侧要设置断点的行号。 A blue arrow will show up indicating the breakpoint has been set.将显示一个蓝色箭头,指示已设置断点。
  4. Then make the AJAX request as you would, and the debugger will automatically stop at the breakpoint you set.然后像您一样发出 AJAX 请求,调试器将在您设置的断点处自动停止。

Alternatively, you can use the debugger statement to automatically invoke the debugger.或者,您可以使用debugger语句自动调用调试器。 So with this your success callback may look like:因此,您的成功回调可能如下所示:

success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
    debugger; // pause execution and opens debugger at this point

Also checkout this nice article for debugging JavaScript.还可以查看这篇用于调试 JavaScript 的好文章

However, the first approach is better as it doesn't require you to modify your code.但是,第一种方法更好,因为它不需要您修改代码。

You can also go to scripts tab in developer tool, and on the right side you click on XHR Breakpoints and add new breakpoint with url filtering.您还可以转到开发人员工具中的脚本选项卡,然后在右侧单击 XHR Breakpoints 并添加带有 url 过滤的新断点。

If you use jQuery , when breakpoint occurs you can use CallStack to find your function that called jQuery.ajax .如果您使用jQuery ,当断点发生时,您可以使用CallStack找到调用jQuery.ajax的函数。

ES6+ ES6+

XMLHttpRequest = (Parent =>
    class XMLHttpRequest extends Parent {
        constructor() {
            const onload = () => {
                this.removeEventListener('load', onload);
            this.addEventListener('load', onload);


XMLHttpRequest = (function (Parent) {
    XMLHttpRequest.prototype = Parent;

    return XMLHttpRequest;

    function XMLHttpRequest() {
        var self = this;
        Parent.apply(this, arguments);
        this.addEventListener('load', function () {
            self.removeEventListener('load', onload);

This should let you inspect the request/response in the Network developer tool.这应该让您检查网络开发人员工具中的请求/响应。

Note 01注01

ES5 syntax IS NOT to be understood as ES5+ mainly because function extends class ... isn't something that works at runtime. ES5 语法不能被理解为 ES5+,主要是因为function extends class ...不是在运行时工作的东西。 The class part will fail with Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'XMLHttpRequest': Please use the 'new' operator .类部分将失败,出现Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'XMLHttpRequest': Please use the 'new' operator At that point, you may consider changing :那时,您可以考虑更改:

 Parent.apply(this, arguments);



Note 02注02

Every solution here supposes that the library that issue the XHR request did not cache the XMLHttpRequest constructor [yet].这里的每个解决方案都假设发出 XHR 请求的库[尚未]缓存XMLHttpRequest构造函数。

Note 03注03

The above code does not work with ES5 especially b/c of supper vs. .prototype inheritance syntax.上面的代码不适用于 ES5,尤其是 b/c of supper vs. .prototype继承语法。

In order to circumvent thes issues, one may tap into the prototype.为了规避这些问题,可以利用原型。 In the following code, I choosed to tap into the the xhr.send method.在下面的代码中,我选择使用xhr.send方法。

ES5+ ES5+

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = (function (send) {
    return function () {
        this.addEventListener('load', function onload() {
            this.removeEventListener('load', onload);

        return send.apply(this, arguments);

That said, the latter code didn't work for the issue that had me dig into this... Mainly because the internal Angular code registered an event listener (that fully redirects the browser) before even calling the xhr.send method.也就是说,后一个代码对让我深入研究的问题不起作用......主要是因为内部 Angular 代码在调用xhr.send方法之前注册了一个事件侦听器(完全重定向浏览器) Not great, eh !?不太好,嗯!?

That's it!而已!

对我来说,解决方案是使用 Network 面板中的 Initiator 选项卡,它向我展示了发送请求的脚本

Since this question was asked (in 2010) chrome has added support for breakpoints on xhr (ajax, fetch).自从(2010 年)提出这个问题以来,chrome 添加了对 xhr(ajax、fetch)断点的支持。 You can specify a substring for the url to set a conditional xhr breakpoint.可以为url指定一个substring来设置条件xhr断点。

chrome devtools xhr断点

https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/javascript/breakpoints/#xhr https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/javascript/breakpoints/#xhr

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