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[英]Which mobile browsers support javascript (and Ajax)?

For the web site I'm building (targeted at mobile users) I'm thinking of using some Ajax controls. 对于我正在构建的网站(针对移动用户),我正在考虑使用一些Ajax控件。 I'd like to know which mobile browsers do and don't support Javascript and Ajax, so I can know whether I've at least covered the majority of my target market (ie iPhone, Droid, Nokia, Opera). 我想知道哪些移动浏览器支持和不支持Javascript和Ajax,所以我知道我是否至少覆盖了我的大部分目标市场(即iPhone,Droid,Nokia,Opera)。 If not, I'll have to find an alternative way of presenting my forms... 如果没有,我将不得不找到另一种表达形式的方式......

Thanks! 谢谢!

I've found ppk's list on quirksmode very helpful. 我发现ppk的quirksmode列表非常有帮助。 It's not a 100% complete resource, but should cover most major browsers. 它不是100%完整的资源,但应涵盖大多数主流浏览器。

Given "recent" phones, you'l find the answer is "most of them". 鉴于“最近”的手机,你会发现答案是“大多数”。

Along with the sites already listed, consider Device Atlas . 与已列出的站点一起,请考虑Device Atlas

This may be slightly OT, but it's worth noting here, wrt direct javascript support, that there's two types of mobile "browsers" - there are browsers with JS interpreters in them (like Opera Mobile , iPhone Safari, Droid) and then there are "thin clients" (like Opera Mini , Bolt, Skyfire etc.). 这可能稍微OT,但值得注意的是,直接javascript支持,有两种类型的移动“浏览器” - 其中有JS解释器的浏览器(如Opera Mobile ,iPhone Safari,Droid)然后有“瘦客户端“(如Opera Mini ,Bolt,Skyfire等)。

Thin clients support scripting, but do so in a different way. 瘦客户端支持脚本编写,但以不同的方式执行此操作。 They have no JS engine on the phone - the JS is executed on the server and the result of that is then sent to the browser. 他们手机上没有JS引擎 - JS在服务器上执行,然后将结果发送到浏览器。

The default browsers included in Android, iOS Safari (iPhone) and Nokia all support JavaScript and Ajax. Android,iOS Safari(iPhone)和诺基亚中包含的默认浏览器都支持JavaScript和Ajax。 As does Opera Mini. 和Opera Mini一样。 Be aware, though, that it can be disabled (at least, in Opera Mini and Safari). 但请注意,它可以被禁用(至少在Opera Mini和Safari中)。

Quirksmode has compatibility tables for mobile browsers. Quirksmode具有移动浏览器的兼容性表 When in doubt, use feature detection and try and leave a fallback for when JavaScript is disabled. 如有疑问,请使用功能检测,并尝试在禁用JavaScript时留下备用内容。

You could use something like WURFL to find the capabilities of the mobile devices serverside and present a page accordingly. 您可以使用类似WURFL的内容来查找移动设备服务器端的功能并相应地显示页面。

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