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[英]One-to-Many Table Join?

I have one table (webRooms) which has a number of rows which match those in a second table (Residency). 我有一个表(webRooms),其中的行数与第二个表(居住区)中的行相匹配。 Table 1 looks like this: 表1如下所示:

ID  |  dorm_building  |  dorm_room |  occupant_num

Table 2 looks like this: 表2如下所示:

student_ID  |  dorm_building  | dorm_room

What I'd like is to get results like this: 我想要的是这样的结果:

ID  | dorm_building  | dorm_room  | occupant_num  | student_id
    1   |  my_dorm       | 1          | 1             | 123
    2   | my_dorm        | 1          | 2             | 345

But what I get currently looks like this: 但是我目前得到的是这样的:

ID  | dorm_building  | dorm_room  | occupant_num  | student_id
    1   |  my_dorm       | 1          | 1             | 123
    2   | my_dorm        | 1          | 2             | 123

I'm currently using a left join, any suggestions? 我目前正在使用左联接,有什么建议吗?

Current query looks like this: 当前查询如下:

select * from webRooms wR 
  LEFT JOIN RESIDENCY R on wR.dorm_building = r.DORM_BUILDING 
    and wr.dorm_room = r.DORM_ROOM 

Due to some of the answers given I'm adding a third table into the mix. 由于给出了一些答案,因此我将第三张表添加到组合中。 This table has existed - it is what I use to generate the webRooms table, it is called webDorms and looks like this: 该表已经存在-这是我用来生成webRooms表的方法,它称为webDorms,看起来像这样:

ID | ID | dorm_building | 宿舍楼| dorm_room | 宿舍| max_occupancy max_occupancy

It has results like this: 结果如下:

2 | 2 | my_dorm | my_dorm | 1 | 1 | 2 2

I think your data model is flawed. 我认为您的数据模型有缺陷。 Currently your model has multiple records per Room, one per Slot. 当前,您的模型在每个房间中有多个记录,每个插槽一个。 Because your query only restrict Students to Rooms not Slots it produces a cross-join, which is the wrong result. 因为您的查询仅将学生限制为“房间而不是房间”,所以它会产生交叉联接,这是错误的结果。

It is possible to kludge your query to overcome the shortcomings of the model. 可能会混淆查询以克服该模型的缺点。 The DISTINCT keyword is the blunt instrument of choice in these scenarios: 在以下情况下,DISTINCT关键字是首选的工具:

SQL> select *
  2      from ( select DISTINCT dorm_building, dorm_room from webRooms) wR
  3          LEFT JOIN residency R
  4          on wR.dorm_building = r.dorm_building
  5          and wr.dorm_room = r.dorm_room
  6  /

-------------------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- ----------
my_dorm                       1        123 my_dorm                       1
my_dorm                       1        345 my_dorm                       1
my_dorm                       2


A better way to tackle it would be with a SLOTS table. 解决该问题的更好方法是使用SLOTS表。 This removes the need to have multiple WEBROOMS records to represent a single physical Room. 这样就无需具有多个WEBROOMS记录来代表一个物理房间。 You say it is "inconsequential" which Slot a Student is assigned to, but it is key to the successful working of the application that a Student is assigned to a specific Slot. 您说将一个学生分配到哪个插槽是“无关紧要的”,但是将一个学生分配给特定插槽的应用程序成功运行的关键是。

Here are some proof of concept tables: 以下是一些概念证明表:

create table webrooms
 (dorm_building varchar2(20)
    , dorm_room number)

create table slots
 (dorm_building varchar2(20)
    , dorm_room number
    , occupant_num number)

create table residency
 (student_id number
    , dorm_building varchar2(20)
    , dorm_room number
    , occupant_num number)

As you can see, the revised query provides clear indications of which Slots are occupied and which remains free: 如您所见,修订后的查询清楚地表明了哪些插槽已被占用,哪些插槽仍然可用:

SQL> select wr.*, s.occupant_num, r.student_id
  2      from webrooms wr
  3          INNER JOIN slots s
  4              on wr.dorm_building = s.dorm_building
  5              and wr.dorm_room = s.dorm_room
  6          LEFT JOIN residency r
  7              on s.dorm_building = r.dorm_building
  8              and s.dorm_room = r.dorm_room
  9              and s.occupant_num = r.occupant_num
 10  order by 1, 2, 3, 4
 11  /

-------------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
my_dorm                       1            1        123
my_dorm                       1            2        345
my_dorm                       2            1        678
my_dorm                       2            2
my_dorm                       2            3        890
my_dorm                       3            1
my_dorm                       3            2
my_dorm                       3            3
my_dorm                       4            1
my_dorm                       4            2        666

9 rows selected.


Or, if we have a database which supports PIVOT queries (I'm using Oracle 11g here): 或者,如果我们有一个支持PIVOT查询的数据库(我在这里使用Oracle 11g):

SQL> select * from (
  2      select wr.dorm_building||' #'||wr.dorm_room as dorm_room
  3             , num_gen.num as slot_number
  4             , case
  5                  when r.student_id is not null then r.student_id
  6                  when s.occupant_num is not null then 0
  7                  else null
  8               end as occupancy
  9          from webrooms wr
 10              CROSS JOIN ( select rownum as num from dual connect by level <= 4) num_gen
 11              LEFT JOIN slots s
 12                  on wr.dorm_building = s.dorm_building
 13                  and wr.dorm_room = s.dorm_room
 14                  and num_gen.num = s.occupant_num
 15              LEFT JOIN residency r
 16                  on s.dorm_building = r.dorm_building
 17                  and s.dorm_room = r.dorm_room
 18                  and s.occupant_num = r.occupant_num
 19      )
 20  pivot
 21      ( sum (occupancy)
 22        for slot_number in ( 1, 2, 3, 4)
 23      )
 24  order by dorm_room
 25  /

DORM_ROOM           1          2          3          4
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
my_dorm #1        123        345
my_dorm #2        678          0        890
my_dorm #3          0          0          0
my_dorm #4          0        666


You mentioned in comments to APC's post that all you want is counts of availability. 您在APC帖子的评论中提到,您想要的只是可用性计数。 If that is actually the case, then I would think the following would be a more efficient design: 如果确实如此,那么我认为以下将是更有效的设计:

Create Table Rooms  (
                        dorm_building ... Not Null
                        , dorm_room ... Not Null
                        , capacity int Not Null default ( 0 )
                        , Constraint PK_Rooms Primary Key ( dorm_building, dorm_room )
                        , ...

Create Table Residency  (
                            student_id ... Not Null Primary Key
                            , dorm_building ... Not Null
                            , dorm_room ... Not Null
                            , Constraint FK_Residency_Rooms
                                Foreign Key ( dorm_building, dorm_room )
                                References Rooms ( dorm_building, dorm_room )
                            , ...

I made student_id the primary key in the Residency table only because there is no mention of a time element and it shouldn't be possible for a student to be in two rooms at the same time. 我之所以将student_id作为Residency表中的主键,是因为没有提及时间元素,并且学生不可能同时位于两个房间中。 Now, to get the available space we can do: 现在,要获得可用空间,我们可以执行以下操作:

Select Rooms.dorm_building, Rooms.dorm_room
    , Rooms.Capacity
    , Coalesce(RoomCounts.OccupantTotal,0) As TotalOccupants
    , Rooms.Capacity - Coalesce(RoomCounts.OccupantTotal,0) As AvailableSpace
From Rooms
    Left Join   (
                Select R1.dorm_building, R1.dorm_room, Count(*) As OccupantTotal
                From Residency As R1
                Group By R1.dorm_building, R1.dorm_room
                ) As RoomCounts
        On RoomCounts.dorm_building = Rooms.dorm_building
            And RoomCounts.dorm_room = Rooms.dorm_room

Now, if you also want to display "slots", then you should calculate that on the fly (this assumes SQL Server 2005 and later): 现在,如果您还想显示“插槽”,则应即时计算(假定使用SQL Server 2005及更高版本):

With Numbers As
    Select Row_Number() Over ( Order By C1.object_id ) As Value
    From sys.columns As C1
        Cross Join sys.columns As C2
    , NumberedResidency As
    Select dorm_building, dorm_room, student_id
        , Row_Number() Over ( Partition By dorm_building, dorm_room Order By student_id ) As OccupantNum
    From Residency
Select Rooms.dorm_building, Rooms.dorm_room, R.OccupantNum, R.StudentId
From Rooms
    Join Numbers As N
        On N.Value <= Rooms.Capacity
    Left Join NumberedResidency As R
        On R.dorm_building = Rooms.dorm_building
            And R.dorm_room = Rooms.dorm_room
            And N.Value = R.OccupantNum

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