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flex 4状态和使用includein与actionscript

[英]flex 4 states and using includein with actionscript

How do you handle states and the "includeIn" tag in ActionScript? 如何在ActionScript中处理状态和“includeIn”标记? For example: 例如:

var newState:State = new State();
var comp:Group = new Group();
comp.includeIn = newState;

This is not valid code, but it's what I'd like to do. 这不是有效的代码,但这是我想要做的。

From Adobe Help: About Spark skins 从Adobe Help: 关于Spark皮肤

http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WSC8DB0C28-F7A6-48ff-9899-7957415A0A49.html http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WSC8DB0C28-F7A6-48ff-9899-7957415A0A49.html

Quote: 引用:

The excludeFrom and includeIn properties can be set only in MXML. excludeFrom和includeIn属性只能在MXML中设置。 You cannot set the values of these properties in ActionScript. 您无法在ActionScript中设置这些属性的值。

I haven't investigated this yet but I guess includeIn/excludeFrom metadata is translated into set of AddChild/RemoveChild State overrides. 我还没有调查过这个,但我猜includeIn / excludeFrom元数据被翻译成AddChild / RemoveChild状态覆盖的集合。 What you want might look like the following: 您想要的可能如下所示:

var newState:State = new State();
var comp:Group = new Group();
newState.overrides = [new AddChild(this, comp)];

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