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[英]friend with class but can't access private members

Friend functions should be able to access a class private members right? 朋友功能应该能够访问类私有成员吗? So what have I done wrong here? 那我在这里做错了什么? I've included my .h file with the operator<< I intent to befriend with the class. 我已经将我的.h文件包含在操作符<<我打算与该类成为朋友。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class fun
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

    fun(int a, int b);
    void my_swap();
    int a_func();
    void print();

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fun& fun);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, fun& fun)
    out << "a= " << fun.a << ", b= " << fun.b << std::endl;

    return out;

In here... 在这里...

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, fun& fun)
    out << "a= " << fun.a << ", b= " << fun.b << std::endl;

    return out;

you need 你需要

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fun& fun)
    out << "a= " << fun.a << ", b= " << fun.b << std::endl;

    return out;

(I've been bitten on the bum by this numerous times; the definition of your operator overload doesn't quite match the declaration, so it is thought to be a different function.) (我已经被这么多次咬了过来;你的运算符重载的定义与声明不完全匹配,所以它被认为是一个不同的函数。)

The signatures don't match. 签名不匹配。 Your non-member function takes fun& fun, the friend declared on takes const fun& fun. 你的非会员功能带来了乐趣和乐趣,这位朋友宣称这将带来趣味和乐趣。

You can avoid these kinds of errors by writing the friend function definition inside the class definition: 您可以通过在类定义中编写友元函数定义来避免这些错误:

class fun

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const fun& f)
        out << "a= " << f.a << ", b= " << f.b << std::endl;
        return out;

The downside is that every call to operator<< is inlined, which might lead to code bloat. 缺点是每次调用operator<<都会内联,这可能会导致代码膨胀。

(Also note that the parameter cannot be called fun because that name already denotes a type.) (另请注意,该参数不能称为fun因为该名称已经表示类型。)

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