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Java MVC Web开发框架?

[英]Java MVC Web development framework?

I want to develop a website with java but I'm absolute beginner in java web development. 我想用java开发一个网站,但我绝对是java web开发的初学者。

I want to use a framework that uses the MVC pattern and Ajax. 我想使用一个使用MVC模式和Ajax的框架。

I did some search and found that Spring or Struts are suitable but I'm not sure. 我做了一些搜索,发现Spring或Struts是合适的,但我不确定。

could you please recommend a framework? 你能推荐一个框架吗?

Play Framework might be a good option because of its incredible simplicity. Play Framework可能是一个不错的选择,因为它非常简单。

The Stripes Framework is also worth consideration and can be used along with Spring. Stripes Framework也值得考虑,可以和Spring一起使用。 http://www.stripesframework.org http://www.stripesframework.org
It's easy to use and easy to configure. 它易于使用且易于配置。 Unlike Struts, which is fairly old hat these days. 不像Struts,这些日子相当古老。

There are a plethora of frameworks now and it's worth checking each one that will suit your needs. 现在有很多框架,值得检查每个框架以满足您的需求。 It's a personal thing and it's good that we're not all restricted to a few. 这是个人的事情,我们并不仅限于少数人,这是件好事。

JRapid is very easy to use. JRapid非常易于使用。 You'll get a working application in minutes and it generates AJAX powered user interface. 您将在几分钟内获得一个有效的应用程序,并生成AJAX支持的用户界面。

I would recommend GRAILS for fast rapid web application development, that includes scaffolding functionality and web page generation based on data models. 我建议GRAILS进行快速的Web应用程序开发,包括脚手架功能和基于数据模型的网页生成。

https://grails.org/learn https://grails.org/learn

It is the fastest way for MVC developers. 这是MVC开发人员最快的方式。

I work with Spring Webflow - technology based on Spring MVC. 我使用Spring Webflow - 基于Spring MVC的技术。 Webflow is described in official help pretty well. 官方帮助中很好地描述了Webflow。 Personally, it think Webflow is much more usable than bare Spring MVC, however there are always someone who disagrees. 就个人而言,它认为Webflow比纯粹的MVC更有用,但总有人不同意。
Moreover Spring (not talking about MVC specifically) can be used outside of web projects, so it seems to me it is advantage of Spring. 而且Spring(不是专门谈论MVC)可以在Web项目之外使用,所以在我看来它是Spring的优势。
Cannot say anything about Struts. 关于Struts,不能说什么。

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