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[英]Wire up StructureMap with generic open type arguments

How would I wire up StructureMap with the following: 我如何使用以下方法连接StructureMap:

public Interface IRepository<T, TIdentity>{}
public abstract class Repository<T, TIdentity> : IRepository<T, TIdentity>, other interfaces

I have many concrete implementations of Repository and need StructureMap to wire them up automatically. 我有Repository的许多具体实现,需要StructureMap自动将它们连接起来。

public class JournalRepository : Repository<Journal,int>{}
public class UsersRepository : Repository<Users,int>{}
public class AccountGroupsRepository : Repository<Accounts,string>{}

etc. 等等

I've tried: 我试过了:


but I just get StructureMap Exception Code: 25 (with no explanation). 但是我只得到StructureMap异常代码:25(无解释)。

Is this at all possible? 这是可能吗?

Many thanks Jeremy 非常感谢杰里米

I think there is built in support for this using: 我认为使用以下命令内置支持:

Scan(assemblyScanner =>
                 assemblyScanner.AddAllTypesOf(typeof (IRepository<>));

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