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我可以将TextMate与在Flex / Flash Builder中创建的现有Flex项目一起使用吗?

[英]Can I use TextMate with existing Flex projects created in Flex / Flash Builder?

I am wondring if anyone has a good resource for opening existing Flex projects that where created in Flex / Flash Builder and run them using the TextMate bundle for Flex and Actionscript projects. 我想知道是否有人有足够的资源来打开在Flex / Flash Builder中创建的现有Flex项目,并使用适用于Flex和Actionscript项目的TextMate捆绑包运行它们。

Basically I just want to know if I can walk into an existing project and configure this easily or am I pretty much stuck with using Eclipse ? 基本上,我只是想知道我是否可以进入现有项目并轻松配置它,还是使用Eclipse?

It is doable, but it's pretty hard, cumbersome and not pretty. 这是可行的,但是非常困难,麻烦且不美观。 Don't get me wrong, I love TextMate, but for all the pros of eclipse (auto completion, profiling, etc...) and the main con of it being eclipse; 不要误会我的意思,我喜欢TextMate,但是对于eclipse的所有优点(自动完成,概要分析等),其主要缺点是eclipse; I've never moved. 我从没搬过

This is a good place to start though, there are some good AS3 and Flex bundles out there: 不过,这是一个不错的起点,那里有一些不错的AS3和Flex捆绑包:

http://pixelate.de/blog/setting-up-a-as3-project-in-textmate http://pixelate.de/blog/setting-up-a-as3-project-in-textmate

But like I said, you don't get auto completion, code lookup, etc... 但是就像我说的那样,您不会获得自动完成,代码查找等功能。

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