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[英]Why can't I use While(1) in C#?

I know this has probably already been answered somewhere, I just can't find it. 我知道这可能已经在某处得到了回答,我找不到它。 Why doesn't C# allow me to use while(1) ? 为什么C#不允许我使用while(1) I know that 'There is no conversion between the bool type and other types' in C# but why? 我知道'C#中的bool类型和其他类型之间没有转换',但为什么呢? What are the reasons for this, when in c++ it's perfectly acceptable. 这是什么原因,在c ++中它是完全可以接受的。

It is to keep programmers from accidentally doing something they did not want to do. 这是为了防止程序员意外地做一些他们不想做的事情。

Consider this common pitfall in C/C++: 考虑一下C / C ++中常见的陷阱:

int x = getValue();
if (x = 10) {
  // do something

This will compile and run, but produce unexpected results (the programmer likely meant to check that x equals 10 , not assign to x -- otherwise, why would he need the test at all? It will always evaluate to true ). 这将编译并运行,但产生意想不到的结果(程序员可能意味着检查x等于10 ,而不是分配给x - 否则,为什么他需要测试?它总是评估为true )。

By forcing conditionals to be of boolean type, you avoid this issue. 通过强制条件为布尔类型,可以避免此问题。

What are the reasons for this, when in c++ it's perfectly acceptable. 这是什么原因,在c ++中它是完全可以接受的。

Because C# isn't C++. 因为C#不是C ++。 The languages share a similar syntax but they're distinct. 这些语言具有相似的语法,但它们是截然不同的。 C# isn't a successor to C++, it's an entirely new language. C#不是C ++的继承者,它是一种全新的语言。

I know that 'There is no conversion between the bool type and other types' in c# but why? 我知道'c#中的bool类型和其他类型之间没有转换',但为什么呢?

Why should there be? 为什么会这样? There's no logical conversion I can think of between an integer and a boolean value. 在整数和布尔值之间没有我能想到的逻辑转换。

Why doesn't c# allow me to use while(1)? 为什么c#不允许我使用while(1)?

Is there really something that wrong about using while(true) ? 使用while(true)真的有什么不对吗? =) On a slightly more serious note, while(...) is basically saying, "whilst the condition described inside the brackets evaluates to true, perform the following action(s)". =)稍微更严重的说明, while(...)基本上是说,“虽然括号内描述的条件评估为真,但执行以下操作”。 There's really no logical way for the C# compiler to convert 1 to either true or false , hence it doesn't let you use it. C#编译器实际上没有逻辑方法将1转换为truefalse ,因此它不允许您使用它。

You answered your own question: "There is no conversion between the bool type and other types." 你回答了自己的问题:“bool类型和其他类型之间没有转换。” The C# compiler does this to help enforce correctness and avoid common mistakes, like putting an assignment expression inside a while that always evaluates to true (using one equals sign instead of two). C#编译器执行此操作是为了帮助强制执行正确性并避免常见错误,例如将赋值表达式放在一个总是求值为true的while中(使用一个等号而不是两个)。

if 0 is false then which one should be true, 1 or -1 ? 如果0false那么哪一个应该为真, 1还是-1 The first is what is assumed to be correct, but the second actully has all its bits set and is equal to ~0 (not false). 第一个是假设是正确的,但第二个actully的所有位都设置为等于~0 (不是假)。

It forces a boolean evaluation. 它强制进行布尔评估。 Similarly, in order to protect assignment in an if statement's condition from providing a boolean value. 类似地,为了保护if语句的条件中的赋值不提供布尔值。

if (x = y) 

this assignment will be evaluated in the sense that "did x get assigned y" - as opposed to "is x equal to y" - not what the programmer likely intended. 这个赋值将在“do x get assigned y”的意义上进行评估 - 而不是“x等于y” - 而不是程序员可能想要的。

If you want an infinitely looping condition us while(true) ; 如果你想要一个无限循环的条件我们while(true) ; if you want to loop while a variable is a specific value, set a Bool to true prior to the loop: 如果要在变量是特定值时循环,请在循环之前将Bool设置为true:

Bool valid = (x == 42);

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