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[英]Specman: how to retrieve values of var which is stored in another var

I have stored var name in another var and I want to retrieve values from original var. 我已将var name存储在另一个var中,我想从原始var中检索值。

for ex: 对于前:

var var_A: list of uint = {1,3,2};
var var_A_str:string = "var_A";

//Now i want to print var_A list of values using var_A_str. //现在我想使用var_A_str打印var_A值列表。 How can i do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

print $var_A_str;

This is called introspection or reflection. 这称为内省或反思。 You have to use Specman's rf_manager . 你必须使用Specman的rf_manager Search for it in the docs. 在文档中搜索它。 However, the docs don't show you all the methods that this unit has. 但是,文档不会向您显示此单元具有的所有方法。 If you really want to see all the methods, run this snippet of code: 如果您真的想要查看所有方法,请运行以下代码片段:

extend sys {
    run() is also {
        var rf_man : rf_struct = rf_manager.get_exact_subtype_of_instance(rf_manager);
        out(" RF Manager:");
        for each (meth) in rf_man.get_declared_methods() {
            print meth;

I'm not sure how to iterate through the list elements, but you can use this snippet to look at the methods on a reference to an object's instance members ( not a subroutine's variable). 我不确定如何遍历列表元素,但您可以使用此片段查看对对象的实例成员(不是子例程的变量)的引用方法。

extend sys {

    A : list of uint;
    keep A == {1;3;2};
    run() is also {

        var variable_name := "A";
        var rf_obj: rf_struct = rf_manager.get_exact_subtype_of_instance(sys);
        var rf_i : rf_field =  rf_obj.get_field(variable_name);
        print rf_i;
        var rf_rf_i := rf_manager.get_exact_subtype_of_instance(rf_i);
        out ( "#\n# RF_RFI\n#");
        for each (meth) in rf_rf_i.get_declared_methods() {
            print meth;

In my version ( 8.2 ) this prints: 在我的版本(8.2)中打印:

Starting the test ...
    Running the test ...
      rf_i = rf_field 'A', line 7 in @rf_test4
    # RF_RFI
      meth = rf_method 'get_type', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_physical', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_svtp_pack', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'set_svtp_pack', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_ungenerated', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_const', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_unit_instance', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_port_instance', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_reference', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_constrained_types', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_deep_copy_attr', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_value', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'set_value', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_value_unsafe', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_all_when_value_unsafe', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'set_value_unsafe', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'set_value_const_reassign_unsafe', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_interface_port_prefix', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_interface_port_suffix', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_gen_intelligen', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_long_name', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_implicit_constraints', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'make_path', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'make_element', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'make_list_size_path', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_unit_reference', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_id_name_for_port_type', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_list_upper_bound', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_sv_typename', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_sv_name_under_when', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_sv_size', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_add_encode_lines', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_get_decode_function_local_var_name', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_get_decode_function_local_var_decl', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_add_decode_lines', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_sv_field_name', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_sv_field', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_must_be_protected_field', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_add_get_set_field_functions', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'sv_add_get_set_field_function_decs', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_sv_exported_field', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_sv_determinant_field', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'field_configured_to_svtp_pack', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get_ovm_field_macro', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'is_internal', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'get', Specman's private modules
      meth = rf_method 'eanalyze_lnt', Specman's private modules
    No actual running requested.
    Checking the test ...

Checking is complete - 0 DUT errors, 0 DUT warnings.

I'm sure there's a way to do what you want, but it can be very difficult to use Specman's reflection interface. 我确信有办法做你想做的事,但使用Specman的反射界面可能非常困难。

Merry hacking! 快乐的黑客!

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