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Jboss As 5和activemq

[英]Jboss As 5 and activemq

Does anybody know how to configure Activemq on Jboss 5.1? 有谁知道如何在Jboss 5.1上配置Activemq? If so could he or she provide me with the example? 如果是这样,他或她可以向我提供这个例子吗?

Many thanks for any answer! 非常感谢任何答案! Agata 阿加塔

我刚刚写了我的经验,将JBoss 5.1(和JBoss ESB 4.5)连接到ActiveMQ 4.5.0 ,希望它澄清了与原始activemq帖子的一些差异。

I haven't done this in a while so here goes. 我有一段时间没有这样做,所以这里。

  1. Download the latest Apache ActiveMQ here . 这里下载最新的Apache ActiveMQ。
  2. Unpack the archive that you've downloaded. 解压缩您已下载的存档。 There should be a .rar file included. 应该包含.rar文件。 Extract that rar file and unpack that into a directory. 解压缩该rar文件并将其解压缩到目录中。
  3. Copy the extracted directory into JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy directory. 将解压缩的目录复制到JBOSS_HOME / server / default / deploy目录中。
  4. Start/Restart JBoss. 启动/重启JBoss。

For more info check here . 有关更多信息,请点击此处

PS The latest ActiveMQ release (version 5.3.2 at the time of writing) doesn't require you to integrate ActiveMQ in any application server at all. PS最新的ActiveMQ版本(撰写本文时为版本5.3.2)不要求您将ActiveMQ集成到任何应用程序服务器中。

On ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin run activemq and it will start on port 8161 ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin运行activemq,它将在端口8161上启动

the following will be deployed: 将部署以下内容:

  • admin 管理
  • fileserver 文件服务器
  • camel 骆驼
  • demo 演示

Also, there's a jar file you can use to communicate with ActiveMQ. 此外,还有一个jar文件可用于与ActiveMQ进行通信。

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