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jQuery .focus()和.blur()无法在Chrome或Safari中使用

[英]jQuery .focus() and .blur() not working in Chrome or Safari

I am creating a survey form that needs to have each question and set of answers highlighted (by changing the background color) when the user focuses on them. 我正在创建一个调查表单,当用户关注它们时,需要突出显示每个问题和一组答案(通过更改背景颜色)。 .focus() and .blur() both work in Firefox and IE, but not entirely in Safari and Chrome. .focus()和.blur()都可以在Firefox和IE中使用,但不能完全在Safari和Chrome中使用。 I also tried .focusin() and .focusout() with the same results. 我也尝试了.focusin()和.focusout(),结果相同。 EDIT: Clicking does not fire the focus event, but tabbing through the input fields does. 编辑:单击不会触发焦点事件,但通过输入字段进行选项卡。 I say not entirely because it works for text inputs, select inputs and textarea inputs; 我说并不完全是因为它适用于文本输入,选择输入和textarea输入; but not radio and checkbox inputs. 但不是收音机和复选框输入。

    $("form li").focusin(function()

This is being applied to blocks of html similar to this: 这适用于类似于此的html块:

    <label for="webmail" class="desc">Email</label>
    <input type="text" name="webmail" id="webmail" />
    <label for="business" class="desc">Purpose of your Charter Flight:</label>
            <input type="radio" name="purpose" id="business" class="radio" />
            <label class="choice" for="business">Business</label>
            <input type="radio" name="purpose" id="pleasure" class="radio" />
            <label class="choice" for="pleasure">Pleasure</label>

I tried messing around with toggles, but I am looking for a more elegant solution that doesn't involve using convoluted logic to make it work. 我试着搞乱切换,但我正在寻找一个更优雅的解决方案,不涉及使用复杂的逻辑来使其工作。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I also came across this problem a long time ago, and oddly enough it was a radio button giving me the grief. 我很久以前也遇到过这个问题,奇怪的是它是一个单选按钮让我感到悲伤。

Try using jQuery.change() instead, here's a working example from that problem I had 尝试使用jQuery.change() ,这是我遇到的问题的一个工作示例

$("input#zendesk-dropbox-askedbefore, input#zendesk-dropbox-newhere").change(function() {
    $("label#zendesk-dropbox-label-askedbefore, label#zendesk-dropbox-label-newhere").toggleClass('zendesk-dropbox-label-highlight');

In case it's unclear from my crazy use of ID names, input#zendesk-dropbox-askedbefore & input#zendesk-dropbox-newhere are both radio buttons. 如果我不清楚我疯狂使用ID名称, input#zendesk-dropbox-askedbeforeinput#zendesk-dropbox-newhere都是单选按钮。

I thought about it on the drive home last night and figured it out on my own, it may not be the most elegant solution, but it certainly works. 我昨晚在开车回家的时候想过这件事并且我自己想出来,它可能不是最优雅的解决方案,但它确实有效。

       $("textarea, input, select, .radio, .checkbox").click(function()
            $("form li.over").toggleClass("over");

Thanks anyway! 不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你!

// In js area write following method
$('#chkRikin').focus(function() {
alert('Say Hi Rikin');

// in html area write following code anenter code hered test it your self
<input type="checkbox" onclick="this.focus()" onblur="yourMethod()" />

it works in google crom

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