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[英]Assign regex pattern as key to an array

I have an array of regular expressions and am trying to loop through a text document to find the first pattern, assign that as the key to an array then continue through find the second pattern and assign that as the value. 我有一个正则表达式数组,正在尝试遍历文本文档以查找第一个模式,将其指定为数组的键,然后继续查找第二个模式并将其指定为值。 Whenever I come across pattern 1 I want that to always be assigned as a key and all pattern 2 matches that follow until I come across a new key will be assigned to that first key as values. 每当我遇到模式1时,我都希望始终将其分配为键,并且在我遇到新键之前,所有随后的模式2匹配都将作为值分配给该第一个键。

Text document structure: 文字文件结构:

Subject: sometext

Email: someemail@email.com

source: www.google.com www.stackoverflow.com www.reddit.com

So I have an array of expressions: 所以我有一个表达式数组:


I want to loop through my text document and match the email address then assign that as the key to an array then assign all urls that follow as the values, s the output to the above text would be: 我想遍历我的文本文档并匹配电子邮件地址,然后将其分配为数组的键,然后分配其后的所有url作为值,上述文本的输出将是:

  'someemail@email.com' => array (
      0 => 'www.google.com',
      1 => 'www.stackoverflow.com',
      2 => 'www.reddit.com'

One way to do such a thing: 一种做这种事情的方法:

$parts = preg_split("/(emailexpr)/",$txt,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

$res = array();

// note: $parts[0] will be everything preceding the first emailexpr match
for ( $i=1; isset($parts[$i]); $i+=2 )
    $email = $parts[$i];
    $chunk = $parts[$i+1];
    if ( preg_match_all("/domainexpr/",$chunk,$match) )
        $res[$email] = $match[0];

replace emailexpr and domainexpr with your regexp gibberish. 用您的regexp乱码替换emailexprdomainexpr

I would do: 我会做:

$lines = file('input_file', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$array = array();
foreach($lines as $line) {
  if(preg_match('/^Subject:/', $line) {
    $email = '';
  } elseif(preg_match('/^Email: (.*)$/', $line, $m)) {
    if(preg_match($expressions['email'], $m[1])) {
      $email = $m[1];
  } elseif(preg_match('/^source: (.*)$/', $line, $m) && $email) {
    foreach(explode(' ', $m[1]) as $url) {
      if(preg_match($expressions['url'], $url)) {
        $array[$email][] = $url;

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