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[英]JSF: display h:selectManyCheckBox vertically in h:dataTable

I have a simply facelet which display a list of products in tabular format. 我有一个简单的facelet,以表格格式显示产品列表。 In the last column of each row, there is a checkbox used to mark the product for deletion. 在每行的最后一列中,有一个用于标记产品以进行删除的复选框。 Until now i have to put a selectBooleanCheckBox on each row and have a "mark for deletion" property in the Product entity but i think it's ugly because i have some presentation stuff in my model bean. 到目前为止,我必须在每一行上放置一个selectBooleanCheckBox,并在Product实体中有一个“mark for deletion”属性,但我认为它很难看,因为我的模型bean中有一些演示文稿。

Is there anyway to have ah:selectManyCheckBox which has its f:selectItem distribute on each row of the dataTable ? 反正有啊:selectManyCheckBox有哪个f:selectItem分布在dataTable的每一行?

Thank you 谢谢

The t:selectManyCheckbox layout="spread" is an excellent suggestion. t:selectManyCheckbox layout="spread"是一个很好的建议。

As an alternative, you can also just bind the h:selectBooleanCheckbox component to a Map<Long, Boolean> property where Long represents the entity ID (or whatever identifier which you can use to identify the row) and Boolean represents the checked state. 作为替代方案,您还可以将h:selectBooleanCheckbox组件绑定到Map<Long, Boolean>属性,其中Long表示实体ID(或可用于标识行的任何标识符), Boolean表示已检查状态。

Eg 例如

public class Bean {
    private List<Entity> entities;
    private Map<Long, Boolean> checked = new HashMap<Long, Boolean>();

    public void submit() {
        for (Entity entity : entities) {
            if (checked.get(entity.getId())) {
                // Entity is checked. Do your thing here.

    // ...


<h:dataTable value="#{bean.entities}" var="entity">
        <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{bean.checked[entity.id]}" />
<h:commandButton value="submit" action="#{bean.submit}" />

The Map<Long, Boolean> will be automagically filled with the ID of all entities as map keys and the checkbox value is set as map value associated with the entity ID as key. Map<Long, Boolean>将自动填充所有实体的ID作为映射键,并将checkbox值设置为与实体ID关联的映射值作为键。

See also: 也可以看看:

你可以使用MyFaces Tomahawk的<t:selectManyCheckbox> with layout="spread"

In my application, i have used below set of code to get multiple checkbox list to be displayed vertically with scrollbar: 在我的应用程序中,我使用下面的代码集来获取多个复选框列表,使用滚动条垂直显示:

<style type="text/css">
#productCategoryId label {
  float: inherit;
  font-size: 10px!important;
  font-weight: normal;
#productCategoryId table.formTable th, table.formTable td {
  padding: 0px 0px 0 0;

<div style="width:200px;height: 280px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;border:1px solid #999;" max-height=280px>
             <h:selectManyCheckbox  id="productCategoryId" layout="pageDirection" style="width:200px" styleClass="changeId">
                  <f:selectItem itemValue="-1000" itemLabel="ALL" />
                  <f:selectItems value="#{lookup.list['RSM_LOOKUP']['PRODUCT_CATEGORY']}"/>
                </h:selectManyCheckbox >

The best way to use selectManyCheckbox and dataTable is... 使用selectManyCheckbox和dataTable的最佳方法是......

=== Page.xhtml === === Page.xhtml ===

<ice:selectManyCheckbox id="idSelectManyCheckbox" layout="spread"
   value="#{MyBean.selectedsValuesCheckbox}" >
   <f:selectItems value="#{MyBean.selectItemsCheck}"/>

<ice:dataTable varStatus="rowVar"
   value="#{MyBean.listOfMyObjects}" var="anyNameVar">

      <ice:checkbox for="idSelectManyCheckbox" index="#{rowVar.index}" />
      <ice:outputText value="#{anyNameVar.property1}" />

   <!-- ... more columns .. -->

=== MyBean.java === === MyBean.java ===

private List<MyObject> listOfMyObjects = new ArrayList<MyObject>(3);
private List<String> selectedsValuesCheckbox = new ArrayList<String>(2);
private SelectItem[] selectItemsCheck = new SelectItem[3];

private handleSelectItemsCheck(){
   int idx = 0;
   for (MyObject myObject : listOfMyObjects) {
      selectItemsCheck[idx++] = 
    new SelectItem(myObject.property1, myObject.property2); // value and label

// Gets and sets //获取和设置

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*you must use layout="spread" in that situation.
*in the table the checkboxs 1 and 3 will be selected. because "selectedsValuesCheckbox"

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