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[英]Using oauth for creating twitter application in iphone

I am creating a twitter application in iphone using oauth. 我正在使用oauth在iPhone中创建Twitter应用程序。 But my application request for: 但我的申请要求:


Please anyone help me how to create all these keys for my application. 请任何人帮助我如何为我的应用程序创建所有这些密钥。 In my twitter account xauth is disabled by default. 在我的Twitter帐户中,默认情况下禁用xauth。 So, how can I enable it in my application? 那么,如何在应用程序中启用它?

It's highly unlikely you need to enable xAuth. 您极不可能需要启用xAuth。 The Twitter API documentation, specifically the authentication guide explain these parameters in more detail. Twitter API文档,特别是身份验证指南 ,将更详细地说明这些参数。 Also have the OAuth 1.0 spec open to refer to, even if you're using a third party library- you will save your sanity if you understand the mechanics of the token exchange. 即使您使用的是第三方库,也要开放参考OAuth 1.0规范-如果您了解令牌交换的机制,就可以节省理智。

You'll need to read up about OAuth . 您需要阅读有关OAuth的信息 All the fields are part of the standard. 所有字段都是标准的一部分。 Twitter will give you the first one (oauth_consumer_key), and the version number is always 1.0. Twitter将为您提供第一个(oauth_consumer_key),版本号始终为1.0。 (Version 2.0 is not yet complete and Twitter doesn't use it.) The others you need to calculate. (2.0版尚未完成,Twitter尚未使用。)您需要计算其他版本。 Or at least find an open source library that does it for you. 或者至少找到一个为您做的开源库。

As for enabling xAuth, you need to send a message to Twitter. 至于启用xAuth,您需要向Twitter发送消息。 Sounds like they're getting more and more strict about which apps they allow, though. 听起来,他们对允许使用的应用程序的要求越来越严格。

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