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在JavaScript / jQuery中克隆内存图像

[英]Cloning in-memory image in JavaScript /jQuery

This is probably a really simple one but I couldn't find the answer. 这可能是一个非常简单的方法,但我找不到答案。

I have the following JavaScript/jQuery code where I am trying to create loading messages: 我在尝试创建加载消息的地方使用以下JavaScript / jQuery代码:

// preload an image to use for dynamic loading icon whenever requested
$(document).ready(function() {
    var loadingIcon = document.createElement('img');
    loadingIcon.src = '../images/ajax-loader.gif';
    window.loadingIcon = loadingIcon; // chache in global var

I wanted to cache the image on load so I'm not requesting it each time I want a loading message. 我想在加载时缓存图像,因此我每次都不需要加载消息时都不需要它。 Am I actually acheiving this with the above code? 我实际上通过上面的代码实现了吗?

The idea is that there's a lot of dynamic content on the page, and at any time I might have several different loading icons active. 这个想法是页面上有很多动态内容,并且在任何时候我可能都会激活几个不同的加载图标。

I add the loading icon wherever with: 我随处添加加载图标:


This doesn't actually work though, when I try to show a new loading icon, it just moves the previous one, so I can't have more than one on the page at a time. 但是,这实际上并不起作用,当我尝试显示一个新的加载图标时,它仅移动了前一个图标,因此一次不能在页面上显示多个图标。

I'm assuming I need to clone the element? 我假设我需要克隆元素?

I tried to wrap the element in a jQuery object to use clone with $(window.loadingIcon).clone() but that didn't work (the function errored). 我试图将元素包装在jQuery对象中,以将克隆与$(window.loadingIcon).clone()但是没有用(函数错误)。

You could clone the element, yes. 可以克隆元素,是的。 But you can just as well create a new <img> element. 但是您也可以创建一个新的<img>元素。 If the image src has already been loaded by the browser, the image data will be cached and no further network-load will occur. 如果浏览器已经加载了图像src,则图像数据将被缓存,并且不会再发生网络负载。 You don't need to cache the element itself to cache the resource it's pointed at. 您不需要缓存元素本身就可以缓存其指向的资源。

Try creating the image as a jQuery object: 尝试将图像创建为jQuery对象:

var $loadingIcon = $('<img src="../images/ajax-loader.gif" />');

And then you should be able to clone it when you need to use it: 然后,当您需要使用它时,您应该能够克隆它:

$('#myElem').append( $loadingIcon.clone() ); 

javascript has a native cloneNode method, at least in IE7, which is all I have at the moment. javascript至少在IE7中具有本机cloneNode方法,这是我目前所拥有的。 I'm pretty sure it's cross browser. 我很确定这是跨浏览器。

this should do what you want: 这应该做你想要的:


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