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[英]Authorize.net Delayed Payments

A client of mine needs to bill his customers $25 up front for a product and then $55 six weeks after their purchase. 我的客户需要先向客户收取25美元的产品费用,然后在购买后六周向客户收取55美元的费用。 He's using an Authorize.net merchant account and does NOT want to pay extra for their Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) API. 他正在使用Authorize.net商家帐户,并且不想为其自动重复计费(ARB)API支付额外费用。 What's the best way to do this delayed payment? 延迟付款的最佳方法是什么?

Normally you would accomplish this with separated Authorize and Capture transactions (you could run a combined Authorization and Capture for the $25 immediately, then Authorize an additional $55, later on you run the Capture on the $55). 通常,您可以通过单独的Authorize和Capture事务来完成此操作(您可以立即对$ 25进行合并的Authorization和Capture交易,然后再授权$ 55,然后在$ 55上运行Capture。 However, I don't think this will work for you because I'm fairly certain Authorization only transactions expire after ~30 days. 但是,我认为这对您不起作用,因为我敢肯定,仅授权交易会在30天后过期。

Your only alternative will be to store the credit card details and then run the $55 capture to happen outside of your application (as NullUserException noted, this could be with a cron job, or a Scheduled Task in Windows). 您唯一的选择是存储信用卡详细信息,然后运行$ 55捕获以在应用程序外部进行(如NullUserException所述,这可能与cron作业或Windows中的“计划任务”有关)。

Note that storing the credit card details means you need to be very careful (encryption, etc); 请注意,存储信用卡详细信息意味着您需要非常小心(加密等); I would recommend using Authorize.Net's Customer Information Manager system so you don't have to keep those details. 我建议使用Authorize.Net的Customer Information Manager系统,这样您就不必保留这些详细信息。 I've not used CIM, only recommending it because it is built into the provider you are using; 我没有使用过CIM,只是推荐使用它,因为它内置在您使用的提供程序中。 There may be alternatives. 可能还有其他选择。

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