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[英]SELECT JOIN in same table ON multiple rows

I have a table with an itemID and a categoryID columns. 我有一个带有itemID和categoryID列的表。 Both columns are primary keys because each item can have more than 1 category: 两列都是主键,因为每个项目可以具有多个类别:

itemID  |  catID
1        |  2
1        |  3
1        |  4
2        |  2
2        |  3
2        |  4

I want to select items with the same categories (based on all the item categories, not just one) so I need to kind of JOIN the same table. 我想选择具有相同类别的项目(基于所有项目类别,而不仅仅是一个类别),因此我需要加入同一张表。

I want to be able to find itemIDs with the same catIDs based on a specified itemID. 我希望能够基于指定的itemID查找具有相同catID的itemID。

Note: For example item 1 have categories 2,3,4,5,6 and item 2 have categories 2,3,4,5,6 and item 3 have categories 3,5,6 then if i compare item 1 to item 2 and 3 i need to get item 2 first and then item 3 because item 2 have more categories matches than item 3.. Obviously it need to be done with all the items not only 3.. This way I can recommend visitors of similar products... 注意:例如,项目1具有类别2,3,4,5,6,项目2具有类别2,3,4,5,6,项目3具有类别3,5,6,那么如果我将项目1与项目2进行比较和3我需要先获得第2项,然后第3项,因为第2项比第3项具有更多的类别匹配项。显然,不仅所有3.项都需要完成所有项的匹配。这样,我可以推荐类似产品的访客。 ..

So you want to choose one itemID, then match it to all other itemID's that share one or more catID's? 因此,您想选择一个itemID,然后将其与共享一个或多个catID的所有其他itemID相匹配?

FROM categories c1
JOIN categories c2 ON c1.catID = c2.catID
WHERE c1.itemID = ?

Building on Bill's initial query, this ought to order it in descending order by the number of categories matched (since the join should return one row per match). 以Bill的初始查询为基础,此查询应按匹配类别的数量以降序排列(因为联接每次匹配应返回一行)。 I also excluded the item being queried on from the result. 我还从结果中排除了要查询的项目。

SELECT c2.itemID
FROM categories c1
JOIN categories c2 ON c1.catID = c2.catID
WHERE c1.itemID = :id
AND c2.itemID <> :id
GROUP BY c2.itemID
ORDER BY count(c2.itemID) DESC;

You have many to many relation, so the query will look like: 您具有多对多关系,因此查询将如下所示:

SELECT item.name 
  FROM item AS b 
   JOIN itemcategories AS ab ON b.ID = ab.itemID 
 where ab.catID =2;

I want to select items with the same categories (based on all the item categories, not just one) so I need to kind of JOIN the same table. 我想选择具有相同类别的项目(基于所有项目类别,而不仅仅是一个类别),因此我需要加入同一张表。

Without mentioning anything else about the output, you can do something like: 在不提及输出的任何其他内容的情况下,您可以执行以下操作:

Select C.itemid
From categories As C
Where Exists    (
                Select 1
                From categories As C2
                Where C2.catID = C.catID
                    And C2.itemID <> C.itemID
   And C.itemID = ?
Group By C.itemid

(From comments) (摘自评论)

Something like that, but ORDERED by items that have the most categories matches. 诸如此类,但按类别匹配最多的项目排序。 For example item 1 have categories 2,3,4,5,6 and item 2 have categories 2,3,4,5,6 and item 3 have categories 3,5,6 then if i compare item 1 to item 2 and 3 i need to get item 2 first and then item 3 because item 2 have more categories matches than item 3 例如,项目1具有类别2、3、4、5、6,项目2具有类别2、3、4、5、6,项目3具有类别3、5、6,则如果我将项目1与项目2和3进行比较我需要先获得项目2,然后再获得项目3,因为项目2比项目3具有更多的类别匹配项

This adds a different complexion to the question and is why you should include expected output in your original post. 这给问题增加了另一种肤色,这就是为什么您应该在原始帖子中包括预期的输出。 Taking what you have written literally: 以您的字面意思写成:

Select C.itemid, Group_Concat(C.catID Order By C.catID ) As Categories
    , Count(*) As MatchCount
From categories As C
    Join categories As C2
        On C2.itemID <> C.itemID
            And C2.catID = C.catID
Group By C.itemID
Order By Count(*) Desc

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