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[英]Regular expression for <a> tag replacement

I'm new to regular expressions, but I'm trying to learn about it. 我是正则表达式的新手,但我正在尝试学习它。 I want to remove the tag of a html text, and let only the inner text. 我想删除html文本的标记,而只保留内部文本。 Something like that: 像这样:

Original: Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.google.es">Google</a> Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.bing.com">Bing</a>
Result:  Lorem ipsum Google Lorem ipsum Bing

I'm using this code: 我正在使用此代码:

$patterns = array( "/(<a href=\"[a-z0-9.:_\-\/]{1,}\">)/i", "/<\/a>/i");
$replacements = array("", "");

$text = 'Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.google.es">Google</a> Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.bing.com">Bing</a>';
$text = preg_replace($patterns,$replacements,$text);

It works, but I don't know if this code is the more efficient or the more readable. 它可以工作,但是我不知道这段代码是更有效还是更易读。

Can I improve the code in some way? 我可以通过某种方式改进代码吗?

In your case, PHP's strip_tags() should do exactly what you need without regular expressions. 在您的情况下,PHP的strip_tags()应该可以完全满足您的需要,而无需使用正则表达式。 If you want to strip only a specific tag (something strip_tags() can't do by default), there is a function in the User Contributed Notes . 如果您只想剥离特定标签(默认情况下, strip_tags()不能执行此操作),则User Contributed Notes中有一个功能。

In general, regexes are not suitable for parsing HTML. 通常,正则表达式不适合解析HTML。 It's better to use a DOM parser like Simple HTML DOM or one of PHP's built-in parsers . 最好使用诸如Simple HTML DOM之类的DOM解析器或PHP的内置解析器之一

If your content only contains anchor tags, then strip_tags is probably easier to use. 如果您的内容仅包含锚标记,则strip_tags可能更易于使用。

Your preg_replace won't replace if there are spurious spaces between a and href, or if there are any other attributes in the tag. 如果a和href之间有多余的空格,或者标签中包含其他任何属性,则不会替换您的preg_replace。

In this case, using regex is not a good idea. 在这种情况下,使用正则表达式不是一个好主意。 Having said that: 话说回来:

    $text = 'Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.google.es">Google</a> Lorem ipsum <a href="http://www.bing.com">Bing</a>';
    $text = preg_replace(
    echo $text;
    // Lorem ipsum Google Lorem ipsum Bing

This is a very trivial regex, its not bullet proof. 这是一个非常琐碎的正则表达式,不是证明。

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