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[英]How can I call a non-static method from another class in Java?

Okay, this is a bit messy: 好的,这有点混乱:

I'm using Netbeans, and I have a main class called ParameterUI. 我正在使用Netbeans,并且有一个名为ParameterUI的主类。 (This is a GUI) This class has a few sliders on its GUI, and since these are private, I have a method called getBounds(). (这是一个GUI)此类在其GUI上有一些滑块,并且由于这些滑块是私有的,因此我有一个名为getBounds()的方法。 I don't want to clutter up my GUI, and so essentially all the important methods for calculating stuff are in another class called Structure. 我不想弄乱我的GUI,因此,基本上所有用于计算内容的重要方法都在另一个名为Structure的类中。 So ParameterUI calls a method in Structure, which calls another few methods inside itself, and one of these calls getBounds. 因此,ParameterUI调用Structure中的一个方法,该方法本身内部又调用了另外几个方法,其中一个调用getBounds。

The problem is that getBounds can't be static, but I can't call it if it isn't. 问题是getBounds不能是静态的,但如果不是,则不能调用它。

In ParameterUI.class : 在ParameterUI.class中:

public int[] getBounds () {
    int[] bounds = new int[2];
    bounds[0] = jSlider2.getMinimum();
    bounds[1] = jSlider2.getMaximum();
    return bounds;

In Structure.class : 在Structure.class中:

private static void myMethod (Graphics g, double[] planet, long mass) {
    int[] bounds = ParameterUI.getBounds(); //<-- doesn't work

Making myMethod non-static doesn't seem to help either. 将myMethod设置为非静态似乎也无济于事。 I'm afraid that while I know the basics about static vs. non-static, I haven't been programming with classes etc. for that long. 恐怕虽然我了解静态和非静态的基础知识,但我一直没有使用类等编程。

Edit: Essentially, I know what the problem is, and I'm looking for a better way to solve it. 编辑:本质上,我知道问题是什么,我正在寻找一种更好的方法来解决它。

Pass the ParameterUI instance to the static method 将ParameterUI实例传递给静态方法

private static void myMethod (ParameterUI param, Graphics g, double[] planet, long mass) {
    int[] bounds = param.getBounds(); //<-- doesn't work

However you may want to reconsider a design where you are calling into static methods of other classes in order to calculate things about the first class. 但是,您可能需要重新考虑要调用其他类的静态方法的设计,以便计算有关第一类的信息。 This suggests that all of the logic necessary for your UI class is not contained in it, and public static methods lead to hard to test code. 这表明UI类所需的所有逻辑未包含在其中,并且公共静态方法导致难以测试代码。

Static vs Non-Static 静态与非静态

Static means that you can access the method(s) without instantiating an object of that class. 静态的意味着您可以在不实例化该类的对象的情况下访问方法。

Non-Static means that you can only access the method(s) from an instance of that class. 非静态意味着您只能从该类的实例访问方法。

What you need to do is figure out if you want the methods in the ParameterUI class to be Static or not. 您需要确定是否希望ParameterUI类中的方法为静态。

If you change get bounds to be Static, then it will work. 如果将获取范围更改为静态,则它将起作用。

public static int[] getBounds () {
   int[] bounds = new int[2];
   bounds[0] = jSlider2.getMinimum();
   bounds[1] = jSlider2.getMaximum();
   return bounds;

You might want to think about it first. 您可能想先考虑一下。

Basics : You can't access non static members from static method. 基础知识:您不能从静态方法访问非静态成员。

You will need to create instance or pass instance of ParameterUI to/in static method 您将需要创建实例或将ParameterUI的实例传递到静态方法/

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