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[英]How to run java application with built-in command line arguments?

I am making a Java application that is stored in a .jar file and can be launched by opening the jar file either from the command line or from clicking the icon. 我正在制作一个Java应用程序,该应用程序存储在.jar文件中,并且可以通过从命令行或单击图​​标打开jar文件来启动。

For the Mac version of the app, I would like the menu bars to appear at the top of screen in the Mac style instead of in the window (the Windows style). 对于Mac版本的应用程序,我希望菜单栏以Mac样式而不是窗口(Windows样式)出现在屏幕顶部。 I know this can be done with the command line: 我知道这可以通过命令行完成:

java -jar App.jar -Dcom.apple.macos.useScreenMenuBar=true

But this won't work if the user doesn't know how to do this. 但是,如果用户不知道如何执行此操作,则将无法使用。 Is there a way to make this command line argument "built in" to the jar file? 有没有办法将此命令行参数“内置”到jar文件中?


System.setProperty("com.apple.macos.useScreenMenuBar", "true")

I would suggest that you bundle the .jar into a standard mac .app file. 我建议您将.jar捆绑到标准的Mac .app文件中。 Then, in Info.plist, you can specify all sorts of runtime items, including "Arguments" and "Properties". 然后,在Info.plist中,您可以指定各种运行时项目,包括“参数”和“属性”。 Take a look at http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Java/Reference/Java_InfoplistRef/Articles/JavaDictionaryInfo.plistKeys.html 看看http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Java/Reference/Java_InfoplistRef/Articles/JavaDictionaryInfo.plistKeys.html

Is is necessary to do it with the command line? 是否需要使用命令行来完成? You could check it in code with System.getProperty("os.name"). 您可以使用System.getProperty(“ os.name”)在代码中对其进行检查。


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