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ASP Telerik Rad ColorPicker

[英]ASP Telerik Rad ColorPicker

I have three radio buttons High, Medium, and Low. 我有三个高,中和低单选按钮。 If I check High it should show color which has been recently set in the color picker. 如果我选中“高”,它将显示最近在拾色器中设置的颜色。 Similarly for other two buttons. 其他两个按钮类似。 If i check a button only their respective color should be set in colorpicker control. 如果我选中一个按钮,则只能在颜色选择器控件中设置它们各自的颜色。

Two things: 两件事情:

  1. I'd encourage you to use the Telerik Forums for Telerik specific questions. 我鼓励您使用Telerik论坛来解决Telerik的特定问题。 You'll get faster and more focused help. 您将获得更快,更集中的帮助。
  2. In this case, it's not entirely clear what you're trying to do. 在这种情况下,尚不清楚您要做什么。 Some code showing what you've tried would be useful. 一些显示您尝试过的代码将很有用。 In general, it's best to share what you've tried and ask for help if you get stuck. 通常,最好分享您尝试过的内容,并在遇到困难时寻求帮助。

To give you something to try, make sure you explore the Telerik Online Demos for RadColorPicker. 为了给您提供一些尝试,请确保您探索RadColorPicker的Telerik在线演示。 There are demos that show you how to work with the Server and Client-side APIs, giving you all the tools you need to implement your scenario (such as the client-side method get_selectedColor ): 有一些演示向您展示了如何使用服务器和客户端API,并为您提供了实现方案所需的所有工具(例如,客户端方法get_selectedColor ):

http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/colorpicker/examples/clientsideapi/defaultcs.aspx http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/colorpicker/examples/clientsideapi/defaultcs.aspx

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