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[英]XPath attribute quoting in JavaScript

I am trying to build a function that will properly quote/escape an attribute in XPath. 我正在尝试构建一个将正确引用/转义XPath中的属性的函数。 I have seen solutions posted in C# here and here , but my implementation in JavaScript results in an error "This expression is not a legal expression" 我在这里这里都看到了用C#发布的解决方案,但是我在JavaScript中的实现导致错误“此表达式不是合法表达式”

Here is my function: 这是我的功能:

function parseXPathAttribute(original){
            let result = null;
            /* If there are no double quotes, wrap in double quotes */
                result = "\""+original+"\"";
                /* If there are no single quotes, wrap in single quotes */
                    result = "'"+original+"'";
                }else{ /*Otherwise, we must use concat() */
                    result = original.split("\"")
                    for (let x = 0;x<result.length;x++){
                        result[x] = result[x].replace(/"/g,"\\\"");
                        if (x>0){
                            result[x] = "\\\""+result[x];
                        result[x] = "\""+result[x]+"\"";
                    result = result.join();
                    result = "concat("+result+")";


            return result;

Sample failing input: 样本失败的输入:

"'hi'" “‘喜’”

Sample failing output: 样本失败的输出:

concat("","\\"'hi'","\\"")] 的concat( “”, “\\” 'HI' “ ”\\“”)]

I don't understand why it is an illegal expression (given that the double quotes are escaped), so I don't know how to fix the function. 我不明白为什么它是一个非法表达式(考虑到双引号已被转义),所以我不知道如何修复该函数。

\\ is not an escape character in XPath string literals. \\不是XPath字符串文字中的转义字符。 (If it was, you could just backslash-escape one of the quotes, and never have to worry about concat !) "\\" is a complete string in itself, which is then followed by 'hi... , which doesn't make sense. (如果是这样,您可以反斜杠转义其中的一个引号,而不必担心concat !) "\\"本身就是一个完整的字符串,然后跟着'hi... ,该字符串不会说得通。

So there should be no backslashes in your output, it should look something like: 因此,输出中应该没有反斜杠,它应该类似于:

concat('"', "'hi'", '"')

I suggest: 我建议:

function xpathStringLiteral(s) {
    if (s.indexOf('"')===-1)
        return '"'+s+'"';
    if (s.indexOf("'")===-1)
        return "'"+s+"'";
    return 'concat("'+s.replace(/"/g, '",\'"\',"')+'")';

It's not quite as efficient as it might be (it'll include leading/trailing empty string segments if the first/last character is a double-quote), but that's unlikely to matter. 它的效率不尽如人意(如果第一个/最后一个字符是双引号,它将包括前导/后缀空字符串段),但这不太可能。

(Do you really mean let in the above? This is a non-standard Mozilla-only langauge feature; one would typically use var .) (您的意思真的是let进入上面吗?这是一种非标准的Mozilla专用语言功能,通常会使用var 。)

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