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[英]array_unique with two arrays

I have two arrays of the same length ($search_type, $search_term) . 我有两个相同长度的数组($search_type, $search_term) I want to remove any duplicates in the sense of there being searches that have the same type and search term (ie $search_type[$a] == $search_type[$b] && $search_term[$a] == $search_term[$b] ). 我想从具有相同类型和搜索词的搜索(即$search_type[$a] == $search_type[$b] && $search_term[$a] == $search_term[$b] )。

I'm aware that I could write this using loops, was wondering if there's a simpler (but equally efficient) way that takes advantage of built in functions? 我知道我可以使用循环来编写此代码,想知道是否存在一种更简单(但同样有效)的方法来利用内置函数?

尝试使用array_intersect() (它将获取两个数组)并返回一个数组,其中数组A中的值存在于数组B中。或者尝试array_diff()进行相反的操作,并返回A中所有不存在于B中的值的数组。

Ok, here's an overly complex ad-hoc function foo() (lacking error handling, documentation and testing) that combines those two arrays. 好的,这是一个过于复杂的临时function foo() (缺少错误处理,文档和测试),将这两个数组结合在一起。 array_unique() takes care of the duplicates. array_unique()负责重复项。

$search_term = array('termA', 'termB', 'foo'=>'termC', 'bar'=>'termD', 'termB', 'termA');
$search_type= array('typeA', 'typeB', 'foo'=>'typeC', 'bar'=>'typeD', 'typeB', 'typeA');

$x = foo(array('term', $search_term), array('type', $search_type));
$x = array_unique($x, SORT_REGULAR);

function foo() {
  $rv = array();
  $params = func_get_args();
  foreach ( array_keys($params[0][1]) as $key ) {
    $rv[$key] = array();  
    foreach( $params as $p ) {
      $rv[$key][$p[0]] = $p[1][$key];  
  return $rv;

prints 版画

array(4) {
  array(2) {
    string(5) "termA"
    string(5) "typeA"
  array(2) {
    string(5) "termB"
    string(5) "typeB"
  array(2) {
    string(5) "termC"
    string(5) "typeC"
  array(2) {
    string(5) "termD"
    string(5) "typeD"

It doesn't look like there's a simple way to solve the problem using just built-in functions. 看起来似乎没有简单的方法可以仅使用内置函数来解决问题。

This (at least logically) should work. 这(至少在逻辑上)应该起作用。

$search_terms = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd');
$search_types = array( 1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   5);

$terms = array_fill_keys($search_terms, array());
// Loop through them once and make an array of types for each term
foreach ($search_terms as $i => $term)
    $terms[$term][] = $search_types[$i];

// Now we have $terms = array('a' => array(1),
//                            'b' => array(2),
//                            'c' => array(3, 4),
//                            'd' => array(5, 5)
//                      );

// Now run through the array again and get rid of duplicates.
foreach ($terms as $i => $types)
    $terms[$i] = array_unique($types);

Edit: Here's a shorter and presumably more efficient one where you end up with a less pretty array: 编辑:这是一个较短且可能更有效的数组,最终得到了一个不太漂亮的数组:

$search_terms = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd');
$search_types = array( 1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   5);

$terms = array_fill_keys($search_terms, array());
// Loop through them once and make an array of types for each term
foreach ($search_terms as $i => $term)
    $terms[$term][$search_types[$i]] = 1;

// Now we have $terms = array('a' => array(1 => 1),
//                            'b' => array(2 => 1),
//                            'c' => array(3 => 1, 4 => 1),
//                            'd' => array(5 => 1)
//                      );

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