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JSF FacesTagExtraInfo类不在JSF 1.2 v中

[英]JSF FacesTagExtraInfo class not in JSF 1.2 v

I'm trying to move and old JSF v1.0 application from Sun One to Jboss 4.3 EAP that has jsf v 1.2 jars. 我正在尝试将旧的JSF v1.0应用程序从Sun One迁移到具有jsf v 1.2 jar的Jboss 4.3 EAP。 I've been able to get the application to compile and deploy but when try to run it locally it gives me a ClassNotFoundException (and rightly so) for com.sun.faces.taglib.FacesTagExtraInfo 我已经能够编译和部署应用程序,但是当尝试在本地运行它时,它为com.sun.faces.taglib.FacesTagExtraInfo提供了ClassNotFoundException(正确的是)

It doesn't exist in the jsf_impl.jar, as it did in the 1.0 versions, along with 2 other class files. 与1.0版本中的jsf_impl.jar以及其他2个类文件一样,它不存在。 I can't stick the old v in the deploy folder for jboss (one it doesn't work that way and jboss complains about local configuration error, since it wants to use it's jars). 我不能将旧的v粘贴到jboss的deploy文件夹中(一种无法正常工作,并且jboss抱怨本地配置错误,因为它想使用jars)。 I've done some searching but I can't seem to find a solution. 我已经做了一些搜索,但似乎找不到解决方案。

That class was removed in JSF 1.2 because it became superfluous with the new view handler. 该类在JSF 1.2中已删除,因为它与新的视图处理程序无关。 If you're getting this exception, then it means that you still have a jsf-api.jar of version 1.0/1.1 wandering somewhere in the classpath which got precedence over the version 1.2 one during classloading. 如果您遇到此异常,则意味着您仍然在类路径中的某个地方徘徊着版本1.0 / 1.1的jsf-api.jarjsf-api.jar路径在类加载期间优先于版本1.2。 But you do have a jsf-impl.jar of version 1.2 in the classpath (likely the appserver-provided one). 但是您确实在类路径中有一个版本为1.2的jsf-impl.jar (可能是由appserver提供的)。

Cleanup your classpath to get rid of the old 1.0 JAR's and restart. 清理您的类路径以摆脱旧的1.0 JAR并重新启动。 The default paths covered by the webapp's runtime classpath are under each Webapp/WEB-INF/lib , JDK/lib and JDK/lib/ext . Webapp/WEB-INF/lib运行时类路径覆盖的默认路径在每个Webapp/WEB-INF/libJDK/libJDK/lib/ext

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