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[英]How show a message over a fullscreen?

Well.. I want to do a thing, but I don't know how searching informations to do that. 好吧..我想做一件事情,但是我不知道如何搜索信息来做到这一点。

How can I send a message over the game's screen? 如何在游戏屏幕上发送消息? For example: Just writing "Hello World" on a game running in fullscreen. 例如:只需在全屏运行的游戏上编写“ Hello World”。

I know C and C#, I'd like some tips how to do that. 我知道C和C#,我想要一些技巧来做到这一点。 What a need to study etc. 什么需要学习等

Thanks, I wait a response :) 谢谢,我等待回复:)

The thing you want is to hook the DirectX context of the game and put your graphics inside. 您想要的是钩住游戏的DirectX上下文并将图形放入其中。 It's the same way as Steam does for its overlay. 这与Steam对其叠加层所做的方法相同。 You can find the example here: Screen capture and Overlays for Direct3D 9, 10 and 11 您可以在此处找到示例: Direct3D 9、10和11的屏幕截图和覆盖图

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