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[英]Friends and template classes

How can i compile the below code without changing the status of int data? 如何在不更改int数据状态的情况下编译以下代码?

template<typename U>
void Test(U);

template< class T > 
class B {
    int data;
    friend void Test<>( T );

template<typename U>
void Test(U u) {
    B < int> b1;
    b1.data = 7;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char i;
    return 0;

The above code causes a compiler error, because b1.data is private in Test with U = char . 上面的代码导致编译器错误,因为b1.dataTestU = char私有。

The problem is that you are befriending Test<U> to B<U> (for the same U), but you are trying to access the internals of a B<int> from a Test<char> (different U). 问题是您正在将Test<U>B<U>结为好友(对于同一U),但是您试图从Test<char> (不同的U)访问B<int>的内部。

It would probably be simplest to make any Test friend of any B. 结识任何B的测试朋友可能是最简单的。

This compiled using VS2008. 这个是用VS2008编译的。 Not sure if it conforms to the standard. 不知道它是否符合标准。

#include <cstdlib>

template<typename U> void Test(U);

template< class T > class B {
    int data;
    template <typename U >  friend  void Test(U);

template<typename U>
void Test(U u){
    B < int> b1;
    b1.data = 7;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char i;
    return 0;

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